Big mistake. Of course I ended up watching the entire movie. I love that adaptation. Such restrained performances by Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, and Hugh Grant. So I'm running late the rest of the day now. (But it was worth it. A little Jane Austen -- even a movie -- is better than no Jane Austen at all.
Go Indie!
A couple of days ago Smashwords announced that they'd just concluded another deal. This time they're adding to their library distribution with Library Direct, a new service that allows libraries and library networks to acquire and establish large opening collections of ebooks, direct from Smashwords.
They said they already had purchase commitments from three library systems, each of which will acquire some variation of the top 10,000 best-selling titles at Smashwords. These purchase commitments total about $100,000.
Did you see the documentary a while back on Navy SEALs, especially Seal Team 6? Exceptionally good doc. A friend of mine who is military sent me what follows. Wryly humorous, I think it pretty much encapsulates the documentary I saw.
Dana Perrino ( Fox News) described an interview she recently had with a Navy SEAL. After discussing all the countries he had been sent to, she asked if they had to learn several languages?
His reply:"Oh no ma'am, we don't go there to talk."
Takeaway Truth
Happy Friday!
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