Readers, get ready to click the mouse. I'm going to list 3 more websites where you can find free ebooks listed.
Authors, you get ready to click and bookmark these sites too. Sure, you're readers looking for bargains, but you're also looking for websites where you can list your book if you have a free book promotion running.
On your mouse. Get set. Go!
Addicted To eBooks
This website has low-priced ebooks on the main page.
Readers, a menu tab at the top takes you to a section for Free Kindle eBooks.
Authors, a menu tab at the top takes you to the Submission Form.
GalleyCat Facebook Page
GalleyCat's New Books section is a place you can list new releases.
Readers, you'd have to scroll down to check the listings and see if there are free books listed.
Authors, the submission page doesn't preclude listing free books, but GalleyCat doesn't list every book. They're selective in choosing books to be featured, but your book might get featured and receive a lot of exposure.
Author Marketing Club
Readers, sign up for free and get notified of new, free Kindle books. You'll also be able to interact with authors who have signed up and learn about books before they are published.
Authors, sign up is free for you also. You can improve your visibility, solicit reviews, and share your marketing skills with other authors. There's a lot of content on the website that might help you improve your marketing and promotion.
Takeaway Truth
Pick up a good ebook today or list one -- at any of these sites!
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