More Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

It's Saturday Share, and I'm giving you more keyboard shortcuts to save you time.

Previous shortcut posts were:

Keyboard Shortcuts for Punctuation Marks

Keyboard Shortcuts to Pick Colors.

Today, I'm focusing on Windows Shortcuts to accomplish tasks for which you would normally use a mouse point-click process.

Of course, you already know the common ones like PrtSc, ESC, and arrow keys as well as Control + A to highlight everything in a document, Control + X to cut only a selection you've  highlighted, Control + C (or Ctrl + Insert) to copy a selection, and Control + V (or Shift + Insert) to paste something that was cut or copied to another spot.

Did you know you can paste a selection as plain text by using: Ctrl + Shift + V?

There are many shortcuts, but I'm only giving you the ones I find most useful. These are for Windows 10. Hope they'll help you too. If you're running Windows 11, scroll to the bottom for a link.


Press This Key Combination            To Do This

Ctrl + Z                                   Undo an action

Alt + Tab                                 Switch between open apps

Alt + F4                                  Close active item/exit active app

Windows Logo Key + L          Lock your PC

Windows logo key + D           Toggles Display/Hide desktop

Windows logo key + E           Opens File Explorer

Alt + Esc                                Cycle thru open items in order

Alt + Left arrow                     Go back

Alt + Right arrow                   Go forward

Alt + Page Up                       Move up one screen

Alt + Page Down                   Move down one screen

Ctrl + F4                               Closes active doc when many are open

Ctrl + A                                  Selects all items in a document or window

Ctrl + D (or Delete key)         Deletes selected item and moves it to Recycle Bin

Ctrl + E                                 Opens Search in most applications

Ctrl + R (or F5 key)               Refreshes the active window

Ctrl + Y                                  Redo an action

Ctrl + Right arrow                  Moves cursor to beginning of the next word

Ctrl + Left arrow                    Moves cursor to beginning of previous word

Ctrl + Down arrow                 Moves cursor to beginning of next paragraph

Ctrl + Up arrow                      Moves cursor to beginning of previous paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + arrow key          Selects block of text

Ctrl + Esc                               Opens Start

Ctrl + Shift + Esc                   Opens Task Manager.

Shift + Delete                         Deletes selected item without moving it to Recycle Bin


These are just a few of the Windows shortcut keys. If you'd like to explore more shortcuts  or those for Windows 11 (mostly the same as Win10), visit Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts

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Writers and the Short Pitch

Have you ever asked another author what her book is about and then cringed when she rambled all over the place?

When he/she finished talking, you probably had no clear idea of what the book was about.

It's embarrassing for the author and the listener when that happens.

One of the first skills to be learned by a wannbe author is the Short Pitch.


It's a consise, succint sentence that tells someone what the book is about. One sentence is best. Two is good. Three is fair. If you have to use more than three sentences to explain your book, you probably don't have a clear grasp of your plot, characters, conflict, and overall story.

When I was learning to fly, my instructor pilot taught me to always know 3 things when I called the tower—the air traffic controller: 

(1 ) who I was (in flying that meant my plane's tail number

(2) where I was (that's my heading or compass location)

(3) what I wanted (was I calling the tower because I wanted to land or needed information or what?).

You don't get chatty with the tower. When you call, you must quickly and succinctly tell them these things. The bottom line is you make sure you clearly communication those three things so you get what you want.


The short pitch is delivered to anyone who asks you about your book whether that's an editor, agent, or reader. It's very useful in talking with readers you meet at book events or out in public.

With a Short Pitch available, you won't be at a loss when you're at a social events and someone asks, "What do you do?" (What's your occupation?) You say, "I'm an author who just released my first (or 50th) book. It's about yada yada."

The Short Pitch can be used to pitch your book or your brand, or an idea or manuscript to an editor or agent. There are many websites and print articles that give information about this skill. Here's my 30 second version of the short pitch skill based on my pilot training.

Who You Are

In a pitch, you want to get across your identity as you introduce yourself if you're pitching to an editor or agent. In the case of writers, it might be: “I'm Joan Reeves, and I write Romance in various sub-genres. Or, "I'm Joan Reeves, and I hit the New York Times and the USA Today bestsellers list in 2015 with a novella in a box set collection.”

When I worked as a freelance writer, I used this intro: "I'm Joan Reeves, and I write effective and entertaining advertising copy for clients who appreciate articulate presentation of their businesses or products.”

Where You Are

Include this if the information enhances your pitch, for instance, you're pitching to someone in your local area. Local booksellers, libraries, businesses that sponsor events for employees, etc. I.e., I'm Joan Reeves, and I live in the Houston area which is the setting for several of my novels.

Fortunately, if you're an indie self-published author or a freelance writer, location isn't much of an issue because the entire world is your client base. In the past, I wrote for clients in Canada, Germany, England, Italy, Japan, and Australia. 

What You Want

What you want is to promote yourself, your brand, your product, or your business. What you want should also be viewed as what you want to give the listener, the reader—the audience. 

Initially, you want to give the person receiving your pitch the incentive to help you promote your work.

In the book signing scenario, you want to sign your new release at a book store. The store manager or owner wants you to give him/her something that will draw customers to the store. The "What You Want" should always be a win/win for you and the person receiving the pitch.

In pitching to an agent, what you want is representation. What the agent wants is a book that has legs and will sell itself to editors. Your pitch needs to tell them why your manuscript will do that. "I'm Jane Doe, and my manuscript has won first place in ten writing competitions. Judges have likened it to The Hunger Games for a new generation." (Then rattle off your 1 sentence logline.)

In indie self-publishing a book, you want a reader to buy your book. The reader wants to know what makes your book one she wants. Your blurb and book cover are the pitch to the reader. 

I believe it was motivational speaker Brian Tracy who said people listen to radio station WII-FM,  What's In It  For Me. Everyone wants to know what's in it for me?

Your pitch for whatever you're selling must be a win-win for you and the other person. Are you offering a good read or a great product?

What does the other person get? Information? Entertainment? Big sales? Lots of traffic into a bookstore? Spend some time thinking about the Win/Win Equation. 


Work on your Short  Pitch—whether that’s an oral pitch or a book blurb. Developing the short pitch skill will help you sell yourself, your brand, your books, or your whatchamacallit. That's a win for you. Make your book or product top notch. That's a win for the reader or the end user.

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How to Write an Online Review

You just finished reading a book that you really liked. What should you do next?

Before you dive into another book, why not write a review of the one you just finished? If you do that, it may help other readers find the  book and also have a great reading experience.

A lot of readers don't review books which is too bad. There are so many books available, but some never find readers because the books remain undiscovered. Aha! That's what a review can do—help a book get discovered.

At least once a year, I post about how to write an online review because I think if you like something, you should tell others about it. Like most authors, I beg for reviews. We try to do it nicely by writing in the back of our books, "If you like this book, please leave a short review."

That's code for, "Please, please, please leave a review on my book."

For those who have an internet presence, reviews rule. We can't be blunt like Dave Ramsey, the financial guru on YouTube who says: "Leave a 5 star review because that'll help us. Don't leave a 1 star. Just go on your way because we're not for you." Or words to that effect.

I leave reviews on books and other products I like. That makes it easy to give 4 and 5 stars, but I understand what Ramsey means. Consumer taste is subjective. One person may hate a book, movie, or a bit of financial advice, but another may love it. Bad reviews keep those who might love the book, movie, or whatever from giving it a chance.

That's where writing an objective review comes in.


An online review is like having a conversation with friends about a book you just read or a movie you watched or a video game you played.

Imagine you're getting together with friends for coffee, and you start telling them about this amazing book you're reading. That's the way you write a review—the way you talk.

A review should be about the product, not the creator of the product. People create products. 

A review should never denigrate the person who created it. 

You can say something negative without a personal attack on the person with the intention of inflicting emotional harm.

The online world is full of bullies and trolls. Don't be one. There's enough animosity and hate in the world without perpetuating it. Be objective.


1. Make notes.

After reading a book, watching a movie, using a product, etc. make a few notes while the experience is fresh in your mind.

If a book or movie, answer these questions. What was it about? Did the story pull you in or was it a slow build? Did you like the main characters? Were they people you'd like to know? Did it end in a satisfying way? What were your emotions as you read or watched? Did you like the way everything worked out? Would you read something else written by that author?

2. Write a paragraph or two incorporating your answers to the above.

Keep it simple. Does it convey what you really felt about the book, movie, game, or website? Is it in an easy conversational style as if you were telling a friend about the book?

3. Read over what you wrote to check for grammar and misspelled words.

If you wrote it in one of the most common document apps, it's easy to spell check and grammar check.

4. Post the review on the webpage for the book, movie, game, YouTube video, etc.

Open a tab in your browser and navigate to the webpage. For example, if you bought the book on Amazon, go to the Amazon page for the book.

5. Copy and paste your review.

On the webpage, scroll down until you see Write a Customer Review. It's on most webpages that sell products. Click that. When the form opens, paste your review into the space allotted. Give it the number of stars that reflect how you felt. I've read reviews that raved about a book, but the reviewer gave it only 3 stars. 3 = average. That doesn't make sense.

6. Preview your review.

When you're finished, you always have the chance to preview what you wrote in case you'd like to add or remove something.

7. Click to Submit your review.


That's it. Easy peasy. Go forth and review. Please.

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Challenges That Test You

You've heard people say, "It's been one of those weeks." 

You've probably said it yourself. As for me, I think after these last 3 weeks, I should embroider that on a sampler and hang it on the wall.

#1 - We had to replace our router. I think you probably heard me bitch complain loudly about that challenge which ended up taking almost a week and several calls to the Big Communication Giant for help before we finally got everything online.

#2 - We were working on landscaping the backyard when Darling Hubby cut the fiber optic cable that was buried where it shouldn't have been buried—and only 2 inches below ground. I can hardly wait for the bill to replace that line shows up from the BCG.

#3 - About 25 minutes after leaving our house Friday, we were struck from behind by a large pickup. Actually, I suppose our vehicle was struck 3 times—on the left rear, along the length of the left side, and then the left front end. Scary doesn't begin to describe it. We walked away unscathed for the most part.

I decided to view the incident as real world experience dealing with calling 911, talking to police, our tow truck driver, etc.—all of whom were very nice and professional.

Yes, these are the times that try one's soul, BUT we survived. We've yet to find out whether our vehicle, a Ford Explorer, also survived. The pickup that hit us, went up in the air, crashed down next to the left side of our vehicle which broke it's axle, and came to rest with the right front wheel laying horizontal on the pavement.


Nietsche may have been a Nihilist, but I do agree with one thing he said. "That which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." 

Thanks be to God.

Happy 19th Birthday SlingWords

I should have published this last week on April 12, the 19th anniversary of my first SlingWords post.

However, I've been fully engaged in completing my backyard landscaping  project for the year. Of course, I also had some things to do in the front yard.

I wanted to get everything transplanted and new plantings completed so they'd have time to acclimate before the heat of summer hits. I'm still not finished, but I've been away from the writing desk too long.


Nineteen years and a million or so words ago, I wrote and published the first post for SlingWords. Writing and publishing this blog has been fulfilling, frustrating, and a source of inspiration because it helps keep the flow of words going.

Many times I think writing is like turning on a garden hose. When you first turn on the water, it takes a few minutes fot the water to flow out of the hose, but once the water is running, it keeps flowing.

When you write every day, the words always flow. If you stop writing for a few days, it's more difficult to get the flowing when you return to write. So, yes, writing SlingWords is a way to keep the flow going even though I'm not writing a book but blogging.

To continue the garden hose metaphor, sometimes it feels as if I've got a fire hose spewing words instead of a garden hose.


Once I blogged every day, but the last few years have been difficult.

I've blogged sporadically, but I keep SlingWords going because of the reason cited above and because it's a way to communicate with the world.

Like most writers, I spend my writing days alone in my office with only the thoughts in my head and the music playing in the background for company.

I'm at the age where I feel I have a lot of life wisdom and writing wisdom to share with others. That's what I'd like to do—help other achieve their dreams, help them avoid the mistakes I've made, and help them to find more joy than frustration in this competitive business of writing for profit.

I like blogging. I think it's a worthwhile way to spend one's time, and I've certainly learned a lot since I began in 2005. I blogged for others, blogged for profit, kept 2 personal blogs for about 10 years then let one go. I've been involved in group blogs for several years.

I condensed most of what I learned into a book I wrote on blogging, If you'd like a ton of tips on how to blog successfully and pages of resources, grab a copy of my book, Blog Ops. which is only 99¢ but worth far more than that.


A big thanks to all of those who read my posts. I'll keep blogging, bringing you helpful information and entertainment as often as I can. Drop by and visit any time.

Joan participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon.

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17 Tips to Prevent Dog Bites

Is there a dog in your neighborhood that frightenes you or makes you nervous?

Just about every neighborhood probably has that anxiety-creating situation.

I love dogs. Dogs are not evil or bad. Like people they are sometimes raised by dysfunctional people or people who are bad or just plain evil. The personality of a dog is created by its environment and training.

Unfortunately, that means that some poor dogs can become unpredictable and/or vicious. I've known a couple of people whose dogs have been attacked by a dysfunctional dog. No one wants to experience a dog bite or be the owner of a dog who bites. That's why I gathered some tips from experts on how to prevent dog bites.

The tips below refer especially to strange dogs, i.e., dogs you do not own, but they're good tips for your own dog too if your dog is one commonly thought of as an agressive breed. No one wants to experience a dog bite or be the owner of a dog who bites. 

1. If you are a dog owner, do not allow your dog to roam free, unleashed. That also means don't put your dog on a 20 foot retractable leash where it can reach a person in their own front yard and endanger them.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

2. If meeting a dog, do not put your face close to a dog. A dog might take this as a threatening move.

3. Do not pet a strange dog—especially not a stray dog who is probably frightened. Dogs act out of self-defense, and it a dog is lost, it's scared and may perceive even the kindest gesture as a threat.

4. Do not tease a dog. Even your own dog when constantly teased may become frustrated and lash out.

5. Do not startle a dog. Dogs are much like horses in that sudden moves or loud sounds can make them react adversely.

6. Do not tap or stroke a sleeping dog. Awaken it with your voice first.

7. Do not leave a small child and a dog—especially a large dog—alone together.

8. Never leave your dog alone with strangers. Dogs are like kids. They need to "meet" a caregiver and get to know them while you are present.

9. Never violate a dog's territory, i.e., going into a strange dog's yard. It may feel cornered or feel it must defend it's territory.

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay
10. Watch your body language. Don't do anything that resembles a challeng to a strange dog.

11. Never run at or chase a strange dog. It may treat that as agression and give agression in return.

12, Don't run from a dog. Dogs are animals with the inborn instinct to chase "prey."

13. Do not pet or touch a a dog when it's eating. Animals are instinctively possessive of their food.

14. NEVER, NEVER try to break up a dog fight using your bare hands or inserting your body between the dogs. You can end up severely injured.

Use a blast of water from a garden hose if that's handy, a big cup of ice water, or a long sturdy stick or broom handle to try to separate them. 

No matter how much you love your dog, this kind of situation is more dangerous than you can imagine. Injuries or even death are possible for not only your dog but also you. Make the habit of walking with one of the walking sticks that's now  become popular. 

15. Acquaint yourself with dog behavior so you'll recognize warning signs. The way a dog stands, the way its tail is held, the sounds it makes—there are many signs of agression or agitation.

16. Socialize your dog early in its llife so it can be around other dogs and people without being aggressive.

17. After you've learned all of this, teach your children so they'll know how to behave with dogs.


There are severe penalties for the poor dog who ends up labeled dangerous. Don't let that happen to your dog.

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Monday Magic - Typing Club Free App

If you're not a good touch typist, today's app offers a free and easy way to improve your skills.

Why improve your typing skill? Because typing fast without errors saves a huge amount of time. It's a learned skill that pays big returns.

It's called Typing Club, a web-based effective teaching method you can use any time without having to register an account.

Of course, if you register an account, you can keep track of your stats and lessons. There is a premium level for the website that offers no-ads and some exclusive benefits.

Try Typing Club. First select the language you wish to use. Then go to My Lesson Plans and click start. You will probably see a popup that asks if you want to see how well your current skill is. Be sure and test yourself.

According to the website, "TypingClub is (and will always be) free for both individuals and schools."

Most online users haven't been formally trained in touch typing. You'll be surprised by how much more you can accomplish using touch typing. 


When touch typing, it's as if your thoughts go from your brain to your fingers as they fly across the keyboard.

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Thinking About the Solar Eclipse

Like everyone else in the U.S., I'm thinking about the solar eclipse tomorrow so I'm blogging about it today.

We were on our way home this afternoon from our house in the country. The traffic on the north side of the freeway was stunning. Bumper to bumper for miles.

I guess everyone was headed to the Dallas area to get a good view of the solar eclipse.

Unfortunately, according to the weather forecast, we're expectiving 100% rain tomorrow. I guess the eclipse will look like a rainy dark night.

Of course, the computerized signs on the freeway flashed warnings: "Don't stop on the highway to watch the eclipse." That seems odd that the public must be told a common sense bit of advice like that, but we seem to be living in an era when common sense isn't exactly common.

Oddly enough, according to Leroy Chiao said, "An eclipse is one phenomenon that is actually more impressive from the ground."


1. A solar eclipse only happens in the New Moon lunar phase.

2. The ancient Chinese believed that eclipses were caused by a dragon devouring the Sun.

3. Everyone in the continental U.S. will see a part of the eclipse.

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay.
4. The Vikings believed that eclipses were caused by a wolf devouring the Sun.

5. In Hindu mythology, eclipses are caused by the severed head of a demon swallowing the Sun.

6. The earliest known record of a solar eclipse was made in ancient Ireland over 5,000 years ago.

7. Antikythera mechanism, built over 2,000 years ago and discovered in Antikythera, Greece in 1901, could predict eclipses. (I couldn't find anything that said how that was known since the mechanism looks like a giant rusty disk.

8. If you want to see lots of solar eclipses, live in Alaska. Alaska will get 48 more solar eclipses this century, more than any other state.


Use common sense, be safe, carry an umbrella just in case, and enjoy the show.

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Not Motivated? 9 Ways to Recover Your Energy

Spring has sprung. What's that? You're not motivated? You've settled into a rut since the beginning of the new year?

Maybe you need to take a breath, pause, and refresh. Here are...


1. Get more sleep at night.

Chances are you just might be tired. Avoid "screens" at night that have the potential of making it difficult to fall asleep. Set your phone, laptop, etc. aside at least an hour before bedtime. If that doesn't work, try other methods that may help you fall asleep faster and sleep sounder.

2. Move your body more.

I know you probably don't want to hear it, but exercise—moving your body, working your muscles, working your heart—will help you sleep better at night, rid yourself of stress, and generally make you look better and feel better.

3. Eat a healthy diet.

Yep. Another thing you don't want to hear, but it's true. The more sugar, junk food, and super-processed foods you eat, the worse you're going to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. All of that will affect how you look and how you feel. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
4. Stop procrastination.
Putting things off creates a mental and emotional situtation that drains your energy. Take aciton. The smallest step forward is still a step forward.

Tackle those things you hate to do. One at a time. One step each day toward completion. When you get it done, the endorphin release is huge!

5. Avoid people who drain your energy. 

You know the ones I mean. They're constantly complaining or pointing out all the bad things in the world around you. Negativity is soul-sucking. 

6. If you are one of those soul-sucking people, it's time to change your own attitude.

Norman Vincent Peale said, "Dwelling on negative thoughts is like fertilizing weeds. Constantly send out optimism, activating the world around you and bringing back positive results."

7. If you're tired because you feel as if you're getting nowhere, analyze that feeling to see if it's really true.

Whether that applies to your career or your personal life, think about your discouraging thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself if your feelings are generated by tiredness or by an emotional reaction to something that may have happened. Often if you're overworked and under-rested, it's easy to feel hopeless.

8. If you're overworked, pause and refresh.

Sometimes we all need to stop running in the fast lane of work, kids, family, etc. and take a little time off. See if you can take a vacation day just for you—a day of no responsibilities, doing only what you want to do. 

If you're the kind of person who needs alone time, a day alone might be what you need to recover your energy and motivation.

9. Work on your Life Plan.

Do you have a Life Plan? Sometimes feeling tired is a disguise for general discontent with one's life. Are you drifiting through life, at the mercy of whichever the wind blows? Or, do you know exactly what you want out of life? Do you know what you need in order to be at peace, satisfied, and happy? If not, maybe you need to spend some time thinking about this. That's what I call a Life Plan. Design one. Write it up.


Yes, these 9 steps are common sense, but sometimes we have to be reminded of the simple ways to feel better. (That may be why I write posts like this. I'm reminding myself too.)

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Review - My Old Lady Starring Kevin Kline on Tubi

I find myself checking Tubi more often lately when I'm looking for a movie to watch.


Ever since Prime added advertisements to their offerings, I've been a disgruntled viewer. If it wasn't for  Prime shipping, I'd probably cut that expense because their content has continued to disappoint.

Now Netflix is planning on inserting advertising in their streaming. I haven't found a lot of content on Netflix that's worth paying for. In the last year or so, their original series and movies have been disappointing.

I understand Netflix is also going to hike the subscription fee. Again. That's probably when I'll dedicate an NSYNC song to them: "Bye Bye Bye."

If forced to stream with ads, why not download all the free streaming apps like Tubi, Pluto, Peacock, Vudu, Plex, Freevee—which is owned by Amazon—Sling, and others? Many of the offerings on Amazon and Netflix are also on Tubi, and new content pops up there more often than on the other paid streaming services.


Sorry about the rant, but it ticks me off since we went to streaming to avoid commercials!

Here's a movie on Tubi, which has an awesome new interface, that was a delight.

My Old Lady stars Kevin Kline, Maggie Smith, Kristin Scott Thomas, Jean-Christophe, Nathalie Bernas, and Michael Burstin.

The movie is funny, compelling, and thought-provoking, dealing  with some heavy issues. It's an emotional minefield navigated by adults whose lives were shaped by their parents' actions.

 Kline is marvelous as the man who travels to Paris to claim an inheritance but finds there's a problem—a cranky old lady (Maggie Smith) who proves to be a major impediment to his plans.


Absolutely watch My Old Lady. The acting is superb, and the story has some twists and turns. You'll find yourself thinking about it afterwards.

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Life Is Like Baseball

Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay
Major league baseball started a few days ago. 

The Houston Astros is playing the New York Yankees. Unfortunately, the Astros are on the losing end so far. But things can change/


You may not think so, but life and baseball have much in common. Let me explain.

In baseball, one thing every player must learn is how to hit a curve ball. The curve ball, sometimes called a Bender, sometimes a Hook, is dreaded by batters—even the power hitters.  You see, the curve ball is slower than a fastball, but it fools batters into swinging too soon thus earning them a strike rather than a hit.

How do baseball players overcome this? They learn that the first thing they must do is keep their eyes on the ball. That way they don't have to guess what the pitcher is going to throw at them. They see and recognize what the pitcher is going to throw as soon as the ball leaves his hand.

Every pitch has a "release point." If the pitcher's fingers are over the front of the ball, he's throwing a change-up. If his hand is directly behind the ball, he's throwing a fastball. If his fingers are to the side, you better believe he's pitching you a curve ball.

Batters have to recognize what's coming at them and what action to take.


Life is all about curve balls. No one gets a pass on life's curve balls. No career is free of curve balls. As a writer, I've had my share of curve balls. Authors get curve balls pitched at us 
all the time. Regardless of your profession, you need to have a plan of action ready when this happens.

An action plan usually means having a backup plan ready to go when a curve ball explodes in your life. Some people never see the curve ball, but they suspect it's coming so they swing too early. That can be a problem of its own. Some never know it's coming until it's whistling by at warp speed. These are the ones who strike out because they wait too late to take action.

Image by Keith JohnstonPixabay

Batters have an easier time at recognizing what's coming at them and what action to take because they keep studying the aspect—the pitchers—that affect their careers, and they never become complacent.

Everyone with a career and a life should be doing three things.

1. Always be analyzing what's going on in your career—seeing where your career is going and learning how to be more valuable, more effective.

2. Never be complacent or take your career success or your relationship happiness for granted. The status quo rarely stays constant whether you're talking about a career or life itself.

Everything is always in a state of flux. Never take your relationships or your career for granted. Each requires work to be successful. Nurture each of them because success in one and failure in the other never brings happiness.

3. Always plan for curve balls in advance. Think about all the things that can happen and figure out how to deal with them before they happen. Advance plans help you keep your head.


So, yes, I think life is like baseball. Don't get tagged out. Hit a home run—in life and in your career.

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Saturday Share: Fix a Slow Computer

Here at the casa, we've had a lot of tech challenges in the last month.

The new router continues to be a problem in that our Samsung TV won't stay connected wirelessly. But that's probably because it's several years old.

The other issue is a slow-running computer—my 2011 Lenova desktop PC. It's several years old too, but updates have been kept up.

 This desktop PC has been a problem-free workhorse. In fact, it's been so dependable that when it came time to replace my laptop, I bought a Lenovo.


As many of you know, My Tech Guy is my Darling Hubby. When he hears me ranting and raving in my office and using inappropriate language because of some computer problem, he comes to the rescue. What a patient guy who is my biggest supporter.

He researches tech problems and finds a solution or a workaround. He assured me the new router wasn't the problem. It's my 13-year-old PC.

It appears that an overall slowdown of a computer is one of the most common problems and the one people complain about most often.

In case you're wondering what running slow means, it's how long your PC takes from the time  you turn the computer on to it being ready to open a program.

Sometimes you'll also notice that typing something on the keyboard doesn't instantly appear on the monitor. Unfortunately, there's no 1 single reason for a computer to run slow. It can be caused by several things which kind of makes it more difficult to diagnose and fix.


Most often, a slowdown occurs because certain programs or processes take too much of the computer's RAM (Random Access Memory), hard drive, or the CPU (Central Processing Unit).

Of course you know that the hard drive has a certain capacity. If you're close to maxing out the storage space, that can make your computer slow down. The solution is to offload data to another device or upgrade the hard drive if your computer is capable of that.

The RAM, or Random Access Memory, is the hardware that provides temporary storage for the operating system (OS), software programs, and any other data in current use in order to make all of that quickly available to the device's processor. 

The more RAM, the faster a computer processes. It's like a person's short term memory. Always get the most RAM you can. If your computer is upgradeable, add RAM.

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, the main part of your computer, is a complex set of electronic circuitry that acts as the control center. It's what actually runs your computer's operating system and apps. 

Just running your operating system takes a base amount of resources—just like a person's basic functions takes a certain amount of calories.

If you have a computer program that takes a huge amount of RAM, hard drive space, and processing resources, it's going to slow your computer. An easy way to check to see what program is sucking your resources is to run Task Manager.


(1) Task Manager is a part of Windows. Right-click your taskbar and select Task Manager.

(2) On the top of the Task Manager window, you'll see tabs. Select Performance.

(3) You'll see a list of everything that's running on your computer. If you see something showing 100% or close to that, click that.

It will show you how much of your computer resources are being used for that program. If that's an open program you're not using, close it.

I know it sounds very basic, but I too disregard this. I'm bad about opening several different programs and going from one to the other. 

I know all those open programs slow my computer, but I don't think about it until my computer bogs down.


Get in the habit of closing programs when you're finished with them so your computer can run fast and efficiently.

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Thought for Good Friday

Good Friday is a special day for Christians.

In case you don't know the significance of this special day, I think Marianne Williamson perfectly captures the meaning.

She said: "Think of everything you've ever experienced that was painful; that's the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that's the meaning of Easter."


May you be blessed with the gift of forgiveness and redemption.

Need an Attitude Adjustment?

Life is often puzzling, isn't it?

Sometimes, it seems that everything in the world is changing—all at once.

Software and websites you use change just when you've become comfortable working with them.

Everything you've grown accustomed to is going away and/or changing.

Maybe it's a department store where you loved to shop that's closing for good. Maybe it's as simple as a courtesy card at the supermarket that suddenly has gone digital so you have to use the store app now.

Sure, we all hear that Life is change, but don't you just want to yell, "Stop changing." I don't know about you, but I'm tired of constantly updating software, hardware, phone apps, television apps, and such, not to mention filling out the same online forms every time you have a doctor's appointment because their software changed.

Can we just maintain the status quo for a nano second or two?


Yep, I'm the one who needs an attitude adjustment which is why that's the subject of today's blog post is that. 

I guess this is appropriate since it's spring cleaning time. Why not clean out the old brain and get rid of some bad attitudes?

Of course, we can't just chuck an attitude in the trash bin no matter how much we'd like to do exactly that. 

Attitudes can only be changed by replacing one with another, and it requires conscious effort to make that change.


Start an attitude adjustment by analyzing how you face challenges and disappointments. If life hands you a bunch of lemons, do you turn the fruit into lemonade?

Or do you pucker up in sourness and make self-defeating statements like: "I hate the way things are now."

Do you automatically think you won't succeed at something—before you even try?

When something "bad" happens, do you say: "If it's not one thing, it's another." Do you sing that old country music song, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all?"

Guess what? That attitude will only mire you in defeat. Self-defeating statements come from fear and the insecurity we each host inside our subconscious. The only purpose of defeatist self-talk is to make us feel bad.

Isn't it time you told that bully in your head to take a hike?

If you perpetually host negative self-talk, you'll succeed only in killing optimism and probably grind your ego into dust. Self-flagellation in the face of change or disappointment leads only to unhappiness.


Consciously change the way you react to challenges. Write out a script and keep it within eyesight. When you're tempted to heap recriminations on yourself, read that script aloud. 

When you tell yourself something, ask if that's really true? If not, why did you think it? Because it was the path of least resistance. Change that reaction.

You change it by becoming consciously aware of what you're saying to yourself. Here's a clever hack to help you change your reaction. Wear a rubber band on your wrist. When you realize you're telling yourself something guaranteed to keep you down, pop that rubber band. 

A little pain on the wrist is worth it if it will help you change the way you react to life. 

(Sometimes it's good for me to remind myself of these life truths. Thanks for listening.)


Attitude adjustments can make the difference in a life lived happily and a life lived miserably.

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