Kari Lemor, one of my Romance Gems friends, has a new release available now!
Wild Card Undercover, a light romantic suspense novel, is the first of Love on the Line series.
Get to Know Kari Lemor
Kari grew up as one of those kids who read all night under the covers. Once she had her first glimpse of a romance novel at age 12, it was all over.
Romance was in her blood, but it would be many years before the stories that ran rampant in her head finally drove her to put words to paper.
She wrote self-indulgently for the first few years and only recently began penning stories to share with others.
Now that her children are all grown and have moved out, she uses her spare time to create stories of love and happily ever after romances where heroes ride to the rescue of damsels who have already saved themselves.
Kari lives with her husband in a small town in New England dreaming of warmer weather. But only if it's near the ocean.
Follow Kari on social media:
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Wild Card Undercover Love on the Line, Book 1
Some gambles are worth the risk . . .
Trapped in the nightmare of Miami’s illicit underworld, Meg O’Hara has no choice but to work for a high-stakes criminal to repay a debt.
Freedom is a pipe dream, until FBI agent Christopher Shaunessy offers her a way out. It won’t be easy, especially playing the role of lover to the charismatic agent. Getting the goods on her boss could mean her life, a risk she’ll take to be rid of the rat’s vulgar advances.
Chris Shaunessy doesn’t break rules, but working with Meg is pushing even his well-honed control to the limit. Personal involvement should never mix in the sordid world of organized crime.
They’re playing a perilous game. Giving into temptation could be his biggest mistake because the kisses they share might be more dangerous than the case…
If you like FBI agent heroes and the tropes of secret lovers, crime, and suspense, you'll like Wild Card Undercover!
In case you're a reader who wants advisories about sex and language, this novel contains some cursing, sensual scenes (PG 13), sexual chemistry, and some violence.
Reviews RT Book Reviews: "Wild Card Undercover will capture your heart with its humor and witty characters. A knight in shining armor rescuing a damsel in distress while infiltrating the mob is no small task. Kudos to Lemor who has gracefully mixed a femme fatale with a dash of The Godfather and tossed it together with romance and laughter."
“Intriguing and dangerous- when it comes to the take down- Kari Lemor kept the pace fast and heart wrenching. Sweet and laced with sexy banter- the entire story was emotional and Chris and Meg were a dynamic couple.”
“The story was suspenseful and fast paced, and the chemistry between the characters was sizzling.”
Sneak Peek at Wild Card Undercover by Kari Lemor
She finished chewing the piece of cantaloupe she’d been devouring and said, “Juice would be great. Thanks. I didn’t mean to sleep so late, but the bed was amazingly comfortable. I don’t think you’re ever going to be able to get me out of here now.”
He poured juice into a glass and sat opposite her. “Glad you enjoyed it. Not everyone sleeps well in a new bed. Obviously, it didn’t affect you.”
She looked up, sheepish, taking a big bite of the cinnamon muffin in her hand. “I’m so tired after work, I could probably sleep on the side of the road.”
“I wouldn’t suggest trying that around here. You’re more than welcome to keep using the bed.”
As she grabbed a juicy, red strawberry, she rolled her eyes. When was the last time she’d eaten? He’d have to make sure to get some good food in here for her. She needed to be full strength. Hopefully, she liked home cooking, since room service hadn’t been part of the deal with the hotel.

He was sure she was a strong one, considering what she’d been through the last year or so. She’d have to be to continue day after day on her feet, then go home to that shithole of a room. Her determination in keeping her family safe was admirable.
“So, what are the plans for today?” she asked as she shoved the rest of the muffin into her mouth.
He faked a pensive look. “Well, I was thinking I’d hang out by the pool and work on my tan.”
He laughed at her exasperated glare. “It’s all part of the undercover assignment, sweetie. You can’t go running around sticking your nose in people’s business. You have to ease yourself in, slowly, so they don’t suspect anything.”
“Sweetie?” Her eyebrow raised, her tone derisive.
He threw her a crooked smile. “All part of the undercover assignment, sweetie.”
She groaned. “Do I have to call you some stupid, sappy nickname, too?”
“Only if you want to. You could make it something to show what you think of me. You know, like Stud, Hotcakes, or how about Big Daddy?”
She looked like she didn’t know whether to laugh or throw up at his suggestions.
“I know.” Her eyes gleamed. “How about Cuddlebunny?”
Was she serious? “Nah, Chris is fine.”
“Chris Martin, though, right? Shaunessy is your real name?”
“It’s actually Christopher Martin Shaunessy. It’s easier to keep things simple when undercover if you can.”
“I picked Katie for a similar reason. One of my brothers calls me Maggie Kate, and I figured I would respond to it. Harrington, O’Hara, close enough. It’s worked for me so far.”
“It’ll continue to work, until we can put Moreno behind bars.”
Read Chapter 1