Gangnam Style
I guess Gangnam Style by Korean artist Psy has made it to mainstream America since it inspired Team Gangnam Style on Week 5 of Dancing With The Stars.
If you're gaga over everything Gangnam, then read Annoy Everybody With Infinite Gangnam Style on MakeUseOf.com. The article gives too many apps inspired by the Psy worldwide hit that are designed to be infinitely annoying.
Google Chrome Add-On
If you like using Google Chrome and want to start populating your browser with Add-On's, here's one to use to add to your Amazon Wish List.
Monetize Your Blog
Monetize means earn revenue from one's website using from advertising. I've been getting some requests from advertisers to place ads on SlingWords. I started accepting advertising on a very limited basis a few weeks ago. In the past, I had monetized my now-defunct blog that I used for clients.
In the new year, I'll pay more attention to monetizing and will also start blogging about it. The one thing I insist upon with advertising is that it be organic to this blog. That's tricky, and it requires control of the advertising which is why I usually focus on private clients rather than allow advertising via direct feed.
In the meantime, here's a link to BuySellAds in case someone is interested in getting a jump on the process.
Website Update
I'm squeezing the task of updating my woefully out of date website. I haven't updated JoanReeves.com since April. Many of the links no longer work, and I haven't sent out a copy of Wordplay, my newsletter for readers, since April.
Website Update is getting added to my 2013 Goals. Somehow, I'm going to start updating the website and sending a new edition of Wordplay at least every quarter.
Takeaway Truth
Have a great weekend. Don't forget to read SlingWords.
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