Does Marketing Sell Books?

Authors are always perplexed about what sells books.

Back in the days when most of us were published by big companies, we never really had to worry about marketing to sell books.

We thought that was the publisher's job. They knew what was best.

Then we jumped on the indie publishing band wagon. At first, it was glorious. There was such a huge demand for ebooks from readers who embraced the new form of reading.

Of course, fast forward a few years, and there are millions of ebooks out there. How can an author draw readers to her books? That's the question that befuddles thousands of very good authors.

What Does Marketing Do?

First, what it doesn't do is sell products regardless of whether the product is widgets or books. 
If that's true, why do huge companies spend so much money on marketing and promotion?

So what can marketing and promotion do?

It can call attention to a product. In other words, if you pay for advertising, you're engaging in  marketing and promotion, and that means you’re buying exposure.

Exposure brings readers’ attention to your books. That may result in sales. At least, I hope it does because just about every author I know buys ads.

Best Practice

If you can afford it, spend money on advertising, but make sure you target the audience most receptive to your particular books.

Always think of exposure as the desired end result of your marketing and promotion. Remove "sell books" as your goal.

Takeaway Truth

Changing your mindset about the marketing issue should make you feel better.

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