1 can of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 cup of water
3/4 cup uncooked regular white rice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon paprika
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Stickiness, in case you just dropped in, means the desireability of a website.
Stickiness is why people stick around, spend time on a website, come back often, and tell their friends about the website.
I'm not talking about the visual design which I'll cover later.
Step 3: Commerce
Ah, yes, filthy lucre as it was once called, or the almighty dollar as my grandfather called it. If you're like me, you were raised not to talk about money. In business, employees aren't supposed to tell others how much they make. It's considered impolite to discuss salaries, perks, and such in social settings.
However, commerce, buying and selling, is of crucial importance to anyone who operates a website with the hope of making money from it. This doesn't apply only to Amazon, Apple, and other big corporations with websites.
It applies to you too if you have even one thing you want the public to recognize and eventually, hopefully, purchase.If you have an online presence of any kind—whether personal or business—you need a compelling website.
Website means either a blog or a domain named website.
You want your website to be like a beautiful woman or a handsome hunk. That means it should be desirable, charismatic, and enticing.
In internet parlance, that means you want it to be sticky so people will stick around, spend time there, and come back and visit often. Of course the visual design of the website should be compelling, but that's something I'll talk about another time.
3 Ways To Make Your Website StickyMaking a website desirable is easier than transforming oneself into a raving beauty when you weren't born one.
Stickiness, the desirability of a website, was a term created many years ago by Thomas H. Davenport, Professor of Management Systems at Boston University.
Davenport, in an article he wrote for CIO Magazine, defined stickiness as “a measure of how much attention a website gets over time.”
How Stickiness Is MeasuredThat's pretty easy, but when you start jumping from a U.S. time zone to a foreign country.
When Daylight Savings Time comes into play, it gets a little tricky sometime.
I found an online time and date converter that makes it easy to jump from any place in any country to another time and date. It's called Time and Date.
You just put in the city, time, and date in one location then add a different location, and it will compute the time for that location and that date if it's out into the future when DST of Standard time may have changed.
Takeaway Truth
I save these useful utilities in a Bookmark Folder named Magic Tricks.
I just finished reading Out of Time by Deborah Truscott.
First, an explanation. This year, one of my goals has been to wade through all of the books on my Kindle.
I hate to confess this, but Out of Time has been on my Kindle since 2012!
I think I'm like many non-author readers. I grab free books, bargain books, and new releases because I'm a girl who can't say no!
I find it difficult to turn down free and bargain books especially so I've ended up with hundreds of books on my Kindle.
When a new "bright shiny" captures my interest, I grab it too and maybe go ahead and read it if it's by a friend.
Therefore, I've set a goal of reading at least 3 books a week. That should help me whittle down the mountain To Be Read backlog on my Kindle.
You can look forward to more book reviews, and I hope you'll grab some of these for yourself. It's a good thing to discover new authors. When you read a book you like, please leave a review for the author. It doesn't have to be long. Think of it as what you'd tell your friend if you read something you liked.
Out of Time by Deborah Truscott
I enjoyed this book very much even though I knew, going in, how it was going to proceed and how it would work out in the end. That's the curse of being an author or a reader who's voracious. You pretty much know from the get-go what each book is about.
The surprise in each book is getting to meet characters who pull an emotional response from you, and that book does this.
Kathleen—or Kathy Lee as she's called by most—is married to a cad, her mother is driving her crazy and her life is falling apart. Then her uncle dies, leaving her the family’s Revolutionary-era home and, she believes, an escape from her chaotic marriage. But one afternoon, while searching for a rake, she discovers a man in her garden shed — and a free fall through the centuries.FREE from MARCH 17, 2021, at 12:00AM, PDT
UNTIL MARCH 19, 2021 at 11:59PM, PDT
She's a woman with a past. Every woman makes mistakes. Stormy Clarkson, haunted by three huge ones she made, learned from them, and vowed never to repeat them. Now she's on the brink of turning fifty and crushing on a younger man, sexy vineyard owner Sean Butler.He's the man who wants to be her future. Sean's been after Stormy for months, but she's resisted every advance—determined never to risk her heart, denying her desire for Sean. Once an interrogator for the U.S. Army, Sean knows a lie when he hears one, and that's all he hears in Stormy's icy refusals. He's smart enough to know that the only way to deal with a control freak like Stormy is to make her lose control. He has a plan to win her heart. His plan? Whatever it takes. |
REVIEWS "This is truly a feel-good book. ... Sean is wonderful and sexy and Stormy is aptly named. She is complicated and emotional and needs to feel the love and lust of a good man." —Lynnie Review "I loved this perspective of finding a good man to fall in love with! I was 45 when I met my second and current husband who was 39 at the time! Younger men are awesome!" —GMartin Review "Sexy page-turner. Don't miss this read. Sean - sexy, hunky - occupying her mind night and day. Stronger and stronger, and she has no choice but to let him in. WOW! Does he come in...and nothing is ever the same. Sexy, funny, emotional and as always an ending the reader wants." —EbookLuver Review |
I was up past midnight putting together my free newsletter for subscribers.
I'm running on coffee today because I'm so sleepy and tired.
Irish Proverbs
What a perfect day to share some Irish Proverbs with you. We all need bits of wisdom to help us in trying times.
A good beginning is half the work.I guess we hadn't watched it before because we thought it was aimed at a children's audience simply because of the movie poster.
We found ourselves literally on the edge of our seats from the minute the movie began. We had not read the blurb. We often ignore the blurb because it gives away any surprises the movie may have in store.
This film kept us guessing from the beginning. When it started, we thought it was going to be another Waco-cult film. Then it seemed like a parental abduction of an adopted boy.
Then the weird stuff started happening. I will not spoil the surprises. Watch it before you read anything about it.
My Opinion
This is a sci-fi movie from Warner Brothers, and it's a must-see if you like speculative books and films.
Written and directed by Jeff Nichols who confessed that the story was inspired by his child's illness, it stars Michael Shannon as Roy, Joel Edgerton as Lucas, Kirsten Dunst as Sarah, Adam Driver as Paul Sevier, and Jaeden Martell as Alton, the boy at the center of the film.
Great premise, great story, great acting, great directing, and spot-on special effects. I think that's enough greats. I had only 1 problem with the movie, and that's what all movies like this have in common. I won't share that here because I don't want to detract from how good the movie is.
If you don't have Netflix, you can rent it on Amazon Prime Video.
Takeaway Truth
If you like science fiction, watch Midnight Special.
Takeaway Truth
Magnetic? You better believe it. Your gaze is steel and the film is a giant magnet.
Fresh Tomato Ravioli fits that description perfectly since you use cheese ravioli from the frozen food section of your local supermarket.
Actually, any frozen filled pasta like ravioli or tortellini will work. I usually buy cheese ravioli or the spinach and cheese ravioli at Costco.
I don't give a quantity measurement for the pasta because I just cook as much as I need for a meal. If there's any sauce leftover, I store it in a container in the fridge.
Here we go!
1 Package of frozen cheese ravioliFreddie is a delight—most of the time. He's 1 year old so he's basically still a puppy with a puppy's energy and playfulness.
If he sees something, he wants it in his mouth. Pretty much like a toddler.
What that means is I must keep a watchful eye on him because he's large enough that he can reach the counter top and just about any place he fancies.
Binging on Netflix
It's amazing how crafty Freddie is in getting to something that has been put away to keep him from getting it. So there has been so writing this week, but a lot of Netflix watching and Freddie monitoring.
That brings me to my review of The Sinner, the third season of stories that are part suspenseful police procedural and part psychological suspense, starring Bill Pullman, who was nominated for Best Actor by Screenactors Guild and Critics Choice. The Sinner has been nominated several times for best this or that.
Review of The Sinner
Billed as an anthology series that analyzes why seemingly ordinary people commit brutal crimes. This is the third season of the series which is noted for its plot twists and twisted characters.
Actually, the "seasons" are not referred to as season 1, 2, or 3. Instead, they're named for the character who is the subject of a murder investigation.
Season 1 was named Cora with Jessica Biel starring as Cora. Season 2 was Julian with Elisha Henig in that role. Season 3, which I'm reviewing, is named Jamie, played superbly by Matt Bomer who really displays his acting skills.Jamie, the recent installment of The Sinner, is creepy and disturbing. Matt Bomer is amazing in his characterization of a man beset by his demons.
I'd look for Matt Bomer to be nominated for best actor for Jamie. He's that good. As Jamie, he makes you hate him, fear him, know he's going to be evil but wish he'd find his way back to normal, and even feel sorry for him.
The viewer feels Jamie would have lived a normal life if he had never met Nick, a psychopath who is basically a nihilist. Nick, compellingly portrayed by Chris Messina, knows just how to tempt Jamie and leads him into some truly weird crap. Suffice it to say, Nick fills some emptiness inside Jamie. (Messina is too believable as Nick, yet he makes you feel sorry for him—you'll know that scene when you see it.)
If you've read much about psychopathic killers, you probably know that a psychopath with a dominant personality looks for a weaker person to dominate. True crime annals are filled with stories like that.
At some point, Jamie breaks aways from the spell cast by Nick and tries to have a normal life, marrying, and seemingly happy, about to become a father. But his past with Nick is ever-present in his thoughts.
If you're looking for compelling characters, great acting, moody suspense, psychological creepiness, and emotional truth that pushes all of your buttons, watch The Sinner, but start at the beginning with Cora.
Watch them in order because each story adds to Ambrose's emotional growth. The first story begins in Dorchester, New York, where Ambrose is a police detective. The second story, Julian is set in Keller, New York, the town where Harry is from. Jamie, the third story, is back in Dorchester.
Takeaway Truth
Each story or season of The Sinner is brilliant. To me, it's Pullman's best acting ever, and he should have won the Emmy, Golden Globe, and all the other best actor awards.
At least that's my rationalization.
I can't remember the last time a little Girl Scout knocked on my door and asked if I'd like to buy cookies.
Fortunately, Girl Scouts and their moms hang out at the entrance and exit doors of most supermarkets. So I scored a box of Tag Alongs, now called peanut butter patties, and Thin Mints, still named the same.
I don't like Thin Mints, but Darling Hubby does. His favorites though are what once were called Samoas. Those were the coconut with caramel stripes. I don't know if they're still sold now.
I hope they're still selling cookies next weekend so I can score some more. Sadly, the peanut butter patties vanished with a day of bringing them home. *LOL* (And they were SO good.)
Takeaway Truth
Support the Girl Scouts and buy a box of cookies.
Since it's the month we celebrate all things Irish, I thought I'd share an easy to make recipe for Irish Cottage Pie.
You probably have all the ingredients to make this so bake it for dinner tonight.Texas Independence Day is a legal holiday in the state, celebrated every March 2.
Many towns have parades and festivals.
The large metropolitan areas once had parades too, but those urban centers have gone "big city" and conduct business as usual.
Texas is the only state of the Union that was once an independent nation. Perhaps that's why Texans are uniquely proud of their state and love it so much.
Second only to the refrigerator state of Alaska in size, Texas is about 1,000 miles across from the piney woods of East Texas to the mountainous desert area of El Paso, and 1,000 miles from top to bottom—from the Panhandle to the Gulf Coast.
Why Settlers Came to Texas
When Spain acquired Louisiana, Americans were allowed and encouraged to apply for land grants in the northern province of the Louisiana Territory in an area called Texas. As early as 1803, Americans settled there.
In 1824, Mexico rebelled from Spain. The new republic of Mexico needed settlers to protect it from foreign invasion so they offered liberal land grants to anyone who would become citizens, accept the Catholic faith, and settle in the area.
A huge migration began with settlers coming from Missouri to Texas in the 1820s with many of them coming from Tennessee. It was the same kind of east to west migration that had brought people from Ohio into Iowa and Nebraska.![]() |
Common to see Texas flags on rooftops |