Review: Out of Time by Deborah Truscott

I just finished reading Out of Time by Deborah Truscott.

First, an explanation. This year, one of my goals has been to wade through all of the books on my Kindle. 

I hate to confess this, but Out of Time has been on my Kindle since 2012!

I think I'm like many non-author readers. I grab free books, bargain books, and new releases because I'm a girl who can't say no!

I find it difficult to turn down free and bargain books especially so I've ended up with hundreds of books on my Kindle.

When a new "bright shiny" captures my interest, I grab it too and maybe go ahead and read it if it's by a friend.

Therefore, I've set a goal of reading at least 3 books a week. That should help me whittle down the mountain To Be Read backlog on my Kindle.

You can look forward to more book reviews, and I hope you'll grab some of these for yourself. It's a good thing to discover new authors. When you read a book you like, please leave a review for the author. It doesn't have to be long. Think of it as what you'd tell your friend if you read something you liked. 

Out of Time by Deborah Truscott

I enjoyed this book very much even though I knew, going in, how it was going to proceed and how it would work out in the end. That's the curse of being an author or a reader who's voracious. You pretty much know from the get-go what each book is about.

The surprise in each book is getting to meet characters who pull an emotional response from you, and that book does this. 

Kathleen—or Kathy Lee as she's called by most—is married to a cad, her mother is driving her crazy and her life is falling apart. Then her uncle dies, leaving her the family’s Revolutionary-era home and, she believes, an escape from her chaotic marriage. But one afternoon, while searching for a rake, she discovers a man in her garden shed — and a free fall through the centuries.

As her life spins wildly out of control, Kathleen finds her heart and in the process, her own place in time.

Kathleen is stuck, and the book is all about her journey to the realization that she's stuck. Along the way, we get to meet the man of whom she wants to rid herself. He's irascible, intelligent, and a manly man who's quick to grasp ideas. Since I'm from the South, I appreciate novels with southern charm, and Out of Time has that too.

Takeaway Truth

Lovely book with winning characters, intelligence, a mystery, and a feel-good ending. All of that makes it easy to decide whether to read the book in this Time Series

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