Alexa Skill for Thanksgiving

Today is the first day of November, and I'm already thinking about Thanksgiving and holiday fun.

Since we're in a state of change with the house going up for sale, I don't know whether we'll have family and friends gathered around the dining table.

Despite this, I am grateful, thankful, and determined to be cheerful.

I came across a couple of Alexa Skills that should help keep one optimistic.

Free to enable, this skill contains dynamic content and is activated immediately on your Alexa device. To start it, simply say, "Alexa, Open Happy Thanksgiving."

I've enabled this, but I have not listened yet. Too much packing and moving going on in my household. Since I haven't listened to the stories yet, I cannot vouch for them. Some people take issue with the Thanksgiving holiday so make sure the content is sensitive to your particular view before letting your children or grandchildren listen.

What The Skill Is

The skill is a simple storytelling and quiz skill for children that tells the story of the first Thanksgiving. Simple trivia questions about Thanksgiving are asked. The information is short and simple, easy and interesting for children since it uses different voices and sounds. 

Once started, the skill progresses through the story without your doing anything else. At the end of the stories, you're asked questions so you can see how well you did.

Supported Languages are English (AU), English (CA), English (GB), English (IN), and English (US).

Happy Thanksgiving! Have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends - especially the little ones!

Takeaway Truth

To me, Thanksgiving is not so much a celebration of that long ago dinner as it is a day of reflection and appreciation. We should pause and take the time to count our blessings.

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