Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 313 KB
Print Length: 288 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0557175216
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B002Q0Y27Y
Lending: Enabled
Normally, I always give what I call my Danielle Steel disclaimer. However, with Moon Dance that's not necessary because there's very little wrong with this book.
Product Description
Mother, wife, private investigator...vampire. Six years ago federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and mother, your typical soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happens, an attack that changes her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire. Now the world at large thinks Samantha has developed a rare skin disease, a disease which forces her to quit her day job and stay out of the light of the sun. Now working the night shift as a private investigator, Samantha is hired by Kingsley Fulcrum to investigate the murder attempt on his life, a horrific scene captured on TV and seen around the country. But as the case unfolds, Samantha discovers Kingsley isn't exactly what he appears to be; after all, there is a reason why he survived five shots to the head.
What I admire most about this book is how it presents a different view of a vampire. This book is about a woman trying to live a normal life in abnormal circumstances. Samantha was a successful career woman and a wife and a mother. Devoted to her children, she's trying to live as if nothing has changed when, in fact, everything has changed. She's different. Her marriage is over, and her custody of her children is threatened.
Once a respected federal agent, Samantha is now a private investigator who meets clients at night. Only her sister, and her estranged husband, know her secret. In other words, Samantha is alone and fighting to maintain a tenuous link to her humanity.
Taking on a new client begins a chain of events that lead her to discoveries about the world and about herself. What she discovers forces her to face unpalatable truths and to make compromises with her lot in life.
The pacing and characterization are terrific. In fact, Samantha Moon is one of the best-drawn characters I've read in a long time. As soon as you finish, you'll immediately click on the Kindle Shop to get book two in the series.
Room For Improvement
My only quibble with the story is the romantic subplot and with the proffered resolution. In my writer's opinion, it simply didn't ring true. However, that's a minor point because this is not a romance novel. Take away the vampire, and you've got a solid PI mystery. Take away the PI mystery, and you have a solid vampire story.
Bottom Line
I recommend this book. It's a good read and stays on my Kindle Keeper Shelf.
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Takeaway Truth
A good book is a little vacation from the cares of life.
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