I love to cook -- and eat -- so I'm always looking for new cookbooks. With my Kindle, I'm no longer limited to the number of cookbooks that fit on the shelf above my kitchen desk.
As is my custom when I review ebooks, I give the Kindle Buy Link because I read most books on my Kindle. However, I'm certain every book I review is available at most ebook sellers so look for them on the platforms that match your ebook reading device. (Want your own Kindle? Click here.
Today, I want to tell you about a really good cookbook: Fresh Fruit Quick Breads (In the Pantry Quick Breads) by Joyce Middleton
I was delighted to find this cookbook because Quick Breads seem to have fallen out of favor with the new crop of bakers. Quick Breads' smaller cousin -- the muffin -- has taken over as the most popular quick and easy "bread" to bake.
That's a shame because a quick bread loaf is easy to make, beautiful to look at, and delicious to taste. I have fond memories of the quick breads my mom baked in loaf pans or bundt pans: banana nut, pumpkin raisin, and cranberry orange. I still make those three, but I was delighted to try new recipes from this book.
Joyce Middleton makes a good case for bringing the quick bread back to popularity. Her cookbook offers the basic information needed to understand the easy science behind quick breads, clear step by step directions on the fundamentals, a linked Table of Contents to help you leap to the recipes you want to try, and excellent recipes that give delicious results.
I was particularly taken with the Peach Cobbler Loaf -- my darling hubby loves Peach Cobbler so anything with that in the name had to be tried. This week I'm baking the Orange Chocolate Chip Bread. Just the name of that makes my mouth water.
Takeaway Truth
Fresh Fruit Quick Breads (In the Pantry Quick Breads) by Joyce Middleton
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