The 2010 Judge a Book By Its Cover contest, commonly called JABBIC, is now open and ready for submissions.
What's different about this contest is that it's open to not only those published with traditional publishers but also to authors who are with small presses, or even self-published. Yes, there's a lot of good art out there on self-published books though some think that it's still heresy to say that aloud.
JABBIC recognizes outstanding graphic design in that all-important first impression: the book cover.
Grand Prize: A full-page color ad in the April 2011 edition of Romance Writers Report, the official magazine of Romance Writers of America. The ad will feature the winners in all six categories. This is big! Full-page color ads aren't cheap, and they bring a lot of exposure to an author's book.
Winners will be announced on February 10, 2011.
The categories include:
Contemporary Series
Single Title
Romantic Suspense
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal
Sexiest Cover.
Here Come The Judge
The Judges are booksellers who know what good covers look like. This year, they are:
Borders Books
A Novel Place
Barbara's Books
Beth Anne's Book Corner
Ever After
Katy Budget Books
Jane's Paperback Swap'n'Shop
Murder One
The Island Bookstore
Romance World
Temptation, the Romance Bookstore
Rosemary's Romance Books
More Info
To find out more information, visit Houston Bay Area RWA. The left sidebar contains a box with JABBIC links. To enter, simply browse to the JABBIC site. The entry system will walk you through the process of entering your contact and book information, paying, and uploading your cover electronically.
Takeaway Truth
If you think your book has a great cover, then enter JABBIC. You just might win recognition for your book and for the artist who did the cover.
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