Here are 3 Ways To Make the Most of Photos.
1. Resize Images Easily
Resize your photos the easy way so you can share them online, print them, use them as your desktop wallpaper, or whatever you want to do with them.
Sure, any photo editing software will accomplish this, but you have to do it one at a time. What if you have a dozen you want to upload to your website. One at a time equals time suck. There's an easier way to enlarge or shrink in multiples.
Image Resizer is a small byte program, and it's free. It works with most version of windows. You just right click on a group of photos or on a single one, select Resize Pictures, and a window opens with preset image sizes based on web usage. You can always click Advanced if you need a custom size.
This app automatically makes a copy of the photo for resizing so your original is saved unless you select to resize it too.
2. Make A Panorama From Regular Photos
What better way to capture the Thanksgiving table with all your friends and family than to combine regular photos into a panoramic image? CleVR Stitcher, an Adobe Air application, does this.
This app automatically combines several photographs into a panoramic image, and all you do is drag-and-drop the photos into the window on CleVR Stitcher. This app is that easy to use, and it's free though you must have Adobe Air downloaded first, which is also free. This works with Windows and Mac.
Note: If you plan to try making a panorama, make sure every photo you take has the same baseline. For instance, a shot of everyone around the Thanksgiving table might use the line of the table top as a baseline.
3. Have Fun With FX
If you like a little humor with your holiday photographs, try some special effects. BeFunky is one of my favorite sites that offer fun effects for photos. It's free and super easy to use with a wide variety of things you can do to photos. Make them cartoons or strut your inner grunge or add some Mick Jagger lips. Your imagination is your limit.
Takeaway Truth
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a Pop Art photo of your guests worth? Priceless.
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