Sunday Thoughts - March

Spring is in the air here in Texas—beautiful blue skies, green grass growing, trees budding, and no annoying pollen yet.

Today is balmy. That's the best word to describe the warm day that makes being outside a delight.

There's a weather-related old saying about March.

"If March comes in like a lamb, it'll go out like a lion. If it comes in like a lion, it'll go oout llike a lamb."

Since we've had lovely weather the last few days, I fear we'll be getting the roaring lion kind of weather when the end of the month rolls around.


1. The month was named in honor of Mars, the Roman god of war.

2. In historic times, spring was when armies went back to war. The weather was much better for killing and pillaging.

3. Twitter launched on March 21, 2006 when Jack Dorsey, its founder, sent the first tweet.

4. March is the time of new beginnings because of the Spring Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, this event takes place Thursday, March 20, at 4:01 AM CST.

5. On March 6, 1836, Texas settlers fought to the death on the last day of the Battle of the Alamo. The battle had lasted 13 days.

6. March is noted for St. Patrick's Day.


March is usually a pivotal month in the year. Most people feel new energy to tackle new projects and challenges. Onward and upward.

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