Is Writer's Block Real?

Is Writer's Block real?

Yes. I've seen it often enough in authors to know it's real, but it's often something we do to ourselves. 

Let me explain. We all have problems—some big and some small. Health, financial, relationships, grief—we all have the situations that affect our ability to live our best life.

How we deal with those problems and how fast we rebound back to "normal" determines our ability to work well, feel good, and be optimistic.

If you're a plumber and you have problems, chances are you still know how to unstop a drain or fix a leaking pipe, and you do it. It's not like that if your job depends on your creativity.

If you're an author, and you're beset with problems that affect you emotionally, your writing will suffer  as well as your physical health.

Unresolved and/or ongoing life problems can suck the creativity right out of you. Authors also have another factor that can shrivel their creativity. Acceptance or rejection by the public for a project someone has put his/her heart and soul into can affect your ability to keep going.

When a beginner starts out, it's soul-crushing to get bad reviews—even though you know it happens. Somehow you think it won't happen to you, but it does. Bad reviews make a writer doubt his/her story, characters, plot, how it's executed, etc.

Even someone who has published a dozen books and then has a book that's a big flop can begin to question previous successes. Maybe it was just a fluke. Self-confidence erodes. The worst thing someone can do in this situation is to procrastinate on writing. The more an author puts off getting back to writing, the worse the writer's block becomes.


The cure for writer's block is found in the writing. Keep writing. Even if you think what you're writing is crap, keep at it. That's the way to defeat writer's block because it's too easy for a temporary block to become a permanent block. Have faith. Keep going.

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