Monday Magic Free App - Spoiler Alert

We all have likes and dislikes when it comes to movies. For some people, dislikes can go beyond a simple feeling of distaste.

For those people, a dislike of a certain issue or subject matter is actually a trigger.

Today's free app, Does the Dog Die, offers "Trigger warnings for movies, TV, books, video games and more!"

Some people may have severe reactions to certain subject matters so this warns them in advance so they can choose to avoid movies, television shows, video games, books, etc. that may have emotional and/or physical repercussions for them.


The Search bar is front and center at the top, and the Menu Bar is at the bottom of the home page. The Home page shows thumbnails of the many items that have already been reviewed and rated. Simply click on one and you'll see the various warnings.

If you don't see an item, you can search for it. If it hasn't been reviewed, you can suggest it. At that point, you are prompted to set up an account. I didn't see a fee schedule, but in their Terms of Service, it mentions "types of payment accepted."

I suspect this may be in reference to making donations to support various charitable groups. I did not click to set up an account so I can't say for sure.

The site covers several categories which include: 

Violence and death involving humans and animals

Emotional triggers

Sensitive topics like substance abuse


No account is necessary to check the items that have already been reviewed. Users can search for specific movies, TV shows, books, etc., and the site will indicate whether it contains certain triggers or not.

The site is crowdsourced, meaning users can suggest and vote on new categories and content warnings, and the site tracks 70+ categories like slurs, car crashes, dogs dying, spiders, and cancer.


If you are your kids have a problem with certain subjects, the site is worth checking out. If you sign up for an account, I would apprecciate information regarding any fee attached to using the site.

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