Silly Grammar Rant - Wolfs, The Movie

Yes, this is a silly rant so just roll your eyes and read on.

From the time I first saw the trailer for the George Clooney-Brad Pitt film Wolfs, I was bothered by the title.

Wolf is singular. More than 1 wolf is plural which is wolves, not wolfs.

Ack. It seems as if proper grammar continues to lose importance in a world where texting has become the most prominent way of "written" communication.


The plural of the word wolf is "wolves." The plural of nouns ending in "f" or "fe" is formed by removing the "f" or "fe" and replacing it with "ves" as seen in "wife" that has the plural of "wives."

I acually looked up the movie to see if there was an explanation for why it's named Wolfs rather than Wolves. The title was explained this way: "The title refers to the fact that Pitt and Clooney each play a lone wolf underground type, who performs the sort of unsavory jobs that no one else will." In the movie lone wolf Clooney and lone wolf Pitt will each gladly take on those nasty jobs.


Now you know. By the way, I still don't like the incorrect plural of Wolfs. It would have made just as much sense for it to be Wolves.

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