Since the first half of this year is history, it's a good time to take stock of what's going on in self-publishing.
Why have so many authors embraced self-publishing?
The answer is easy. Authors enjoy having more control over bringing their stories to readers.
Often, they also have higher income without the middle "man" of the traditional publisher and/or an agent.
That's one of the reasons behind the 17% annual growth rate according to Blurb, founded by Eileen Gittins in 2005.
Blurb is a platform that facilitates creating, printing, and publishing independent books. By the way, traditional pubishing had only a 1% growth during that same time period.
In 2022, more than 2,000 self-published authors earned over $100K in royalties, and many of those authors were women. Around 67% of self-published books come from women authors which is quite a contrast to the traditional publishing world.
Monetary rewards aside, self-published works are now being accepted by prestigious awards like the Pulitzer and the British Book Awards. I was amazed to learn that a self-published work can be submitted for consideration.
Self-published books now make up 30 to 34% of all ebook sales, and there are nearly 300 million self-published books sold each year. What does it mean for an author? The market is growing so there's room for new authors.
For 2024, the forecast from several sources named these as trending genres: Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary Fiction, Romantasy, and Young Adult.
Discoverability is the most important factor in book sales for self-publishing authors. Yes, there is room in the marketplace, but there is also tremendous competition.
You can write the best book in the world, but if no one knows it exists, you may end up as one of the 20% of authors who have no income from writing.
When I started self-publishing, there were no companies offering services like formatting ebooks and print books, cover design, proof reading, marketing, etc. I had to learn how to do it all. I made mistakes too, but I learned from them. Now I'm able to easily format an ebook which means I'm not paying $50-$100+ for this service.
The more you learn to do, and do well, the less overhead you incur. Just make sure that what you do looks professional.
Now there are many companies offering every facet of publishing including proofreading, editing, design, format, distribution, and marketing. These services may or may not be in your budget. That's for you to decide.
What should a self-publishing author do with the information I've presented?
(1) Write the best book you can.
(2) Get it professionally proofed and edited.
(3) Package it so it looks as if it came from a traditional publisher—whether you do that yourself or you hire a company to do it.
(4) Learn how to market your book with successful online ads.
From conversations I've had with readers of just about every gennre, most readers don't know, or care, if a book is self-published or traditionally published—unless they are jarred from the story by several typos, wrong word usage, poor grammar, etc.
Readers are there for the story. Don't give them a reason to be shocked out of the story by poorly presented text. That can be the kiss of death for an author.

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