Review - Get Human on the Phone

A few years ago I blogged about this app. Today I decided to see if it was still operational.

Luckily, GetHuman is alive and well.

The reason I say luckily is because this is an amazing resource if you need to call a big company and avoid the circular trap that is now AI-generated.

Like it says on the GetHuman landing page:  "Fix Your Customer Service Issues Faster. Get a rep on the phone faster & get better help."

Yes, this resource gives actual phone numbers for big companies. 

On the landing page you'll see: "All-time Most Popular Phone Numbers" as well as how to present your problem when your call is answered.

In the case of a company like Google which will never be answered by a real human, it tells you how to get to a human even though it may take time and effort.


I was thrilled to see this app still existed because I've been trying for a while to get a Gooogle problem solved. If I'm successful, I'll let you know what process worked for me.

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