Fun Facts About Mother's Day

This Sunday in the U.S.A. is Mother's Day. We all have a mother. Most of us who are mothers realize the balancing act Mom had to do as a mother, a wife, and a homemaker—probably while juggling a job too. 

Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and let me tell you some things about Mother's Day that you may not know. 

1. Mother's Day is a global celebration with 168 countries participating. Most often, this holiday is celebrated in March or May with over half of the countries honoring Mom on the second Sunday of May.

2. Traditionally, in many Christian churches on Mother's Day Sunday, people wore a red carnation if their mothers were still living, but a white one if she had passed.

3. The word Mom or Mum is thought to have been invented by babies because the first sound a baby makes is ma or muh. Check out many different languages, and you'll find that the word for Mom begins with that M sound, for example, in French, mother is Mère. In German, it's Mutter. In Italian and Spanish, it's Madre. Even in Hindi, it's Maa. 

4. More phone calls are made on Mother's Day than any other day of the year.

5. Mother's Day is the busiest restaurant dining day of the year. (That's probably no surprise.)

6. The origin of Mother's Day is found in ancient times when Greeks, Romans, and other cultures celebrated mothers and mother goddesses.

7. Mother's Day in the U.S. was made official on May 9, 1914.

8. Mother's Day is the third most attended church service (after Christmas and Easter).

9. According to Pantone, the color specialist, Mother's Day is signified by:

Green which represents a mother's protective nature,

Yellow for a Mom's optimistic outlook towards life and her children,

Pink for her compassionate and nurturing soul, and

Red for a mother's passion and empowerment.


If you're lucky enough to still have your Mom with you, be sure you let her know on how very much you love her and do that every day of your life, not just on Mother's Day

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