Writing and a 5-Figure Income

Is a 5-Figure Income possible for an indie author in today's world.

The short answer is YES.

The longer answer follows.

In my first year few years as an indie author, I made a really nice 5-figure income.

As I became immersed in my family's medical problems which had me taking more and more time away from my writing, the income began to shrink.


Although it doesn't surprise authors, I suppose it may come as a surprise to readers that life interferes with authors and their best writing intentions. Sometimes, you literally don't feel like writing for either physical or emotional reasons.

Getting to the top of the heap is easier than staying at the top of the heap.

If you're lucky enough to get to the mountain peak, here's what it takes to stay there. Keep in mind that everything in the list below, except the actual writing, requires money up front—$$$—when you may not be generating income yet.

1. Publish often. What's often? I have friends who publish a new work every 4 to 6 weeks. Yeah, that's not going to work for me. I'm older and have some tendon and back problems. I simply don't have the physical energy to write 8 to 12 hours or more each day.

2. Use social media effectively. That means generate new content every single day and also interact with your Followers every day. In today's world, unless you are already established as a bestselling author, you must be on Facebook and probably Instagram and/or TikTok. The more you're on social media; the more you're not writing. (You can hire a personal assistant to be "you" on social media. $$$)

3. Either contract out all the tasks of being an indie author—format, proof reading, editing, cover design etc.—or learn how to do all of them yourself with proofing and editing still done by someone else. The learning curve can be difficult for some. ($$$)

4. Learn how to use Amazon Ads, Facebook Ads, and any other ad venue that has a positive ROI. ($$$)

5. Possess the obvious: good writing, good health, physical energy, long hours, hard work, and emotional energy.

Before you start receiving income from your writing, read this book How To Make A Living With Your Writing by Joanna Penn.


Is it possible? Yes! If it's what you want, go for it. Give it all you've got. I wish you the best luck in climbing that mountain. Just remember to enjoy the journey.

Joan participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon.


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