Sunday Thoughts About Reading

Want to succeed in Life? Read

Want to be seen as intelligent? Read.

Want to appear more attractive? Read.

Want to be healthier as you age? Read.

Want to always have entertainment at your finger tips? Read.

Want to always have a topic for converation? Read.


Yes, all reading gives you all the rewards mentioned above. Of course, scientific studies have been done to see if there are any benefits of reading. Everything above and a lot more result from reading.

Fact: I love facts like this. Reading improves memory. When you read something new, your brain makes room to fit in the new information.

Men, if you want women to find you more attractive, read. Women think men who read are more intelligent and appealing. 

Exposure to ideas, settings, and characters who are different in every way broaden one's horizons. Every novel has an information plot so you learn from that too. 

Reading lowers blood pressure, staves off mental decline, and helps one communicate well.

All of the health and social benefits aside, reading is the least expensive and most convenient form of entertainment. 

With a cell phone app or a dedicated reading device like a Kindle, one can read any time and any place.

Waiting for the bus? Read. In line at the grocery checkout? Read. Waiting in a doctor's office? Read. Commuting by train, bus, or carpool? Read.


In reading fiction, you see you're not so different from other people. Seeing a book character handle life's problems can help you handle problems in the real world.

Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere. —Mary Schmich

Reading "opens doors and makes life easier, so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you read. What’s more, it really can make you feel good!” — Honor Wilson-Fletcher

It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish. —S.I. Hayakawa

I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book. —Benedict Cumberbatch

If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young. —Maya Angelou


Reading is one of the pleasures of my life that has taken me to distant lands, other planets, and other eras.  If you don't read, you're missing so much!

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