22 Ways to Feel Good in 2022

22 Ways to Feel Good in 2022

Try these simple steps. They cost no money, but pay big results in health and happiness.

1. Tonight when you go to bed, say: "Good things are coming my way."

2. Have a  Dream. People often stop dreaming about a bigger and better life because they've been disappointed with what has happened in life. Stop living with past disappointments. Each day is a new chance to make a dream come true so find your dream. 

3. When you wake up in the morning, look in the bathroom mirror and say, "Good things are coming my way."

4. About that Dream. Making a dream come true takes mental, emotional, and physical work. Write your dream on paper. Articulate it—speak it aloud. Envision it—use your imagination to create a technicolor mental movie of what making your dream come true feels like. Take actual steps, no matter how small, each day to make your  dream come true.

5. Spend at least 20 minutes outdoors with the sunshine on your arms and legs. That activates Vitamin D in your body which will have amazing health results. That's not my opinion, that's scientific fact based on research.

6. Read a book each week. Reading expands your horizons, improves your vocabulary, improves your blood pressure, relieves stress, and opens your imagination. 

If you think you don't like to read, ask yourself what kind of movies and TV shows you like. Then find a book that has the same premise, theme, content, or action. You'll discover the joy of reading.

7. Develop work discipline in connection with your job and with the Dream you want to achieve. Work discipline is the ability to focus on a project and work consistently until the project is finished. Virtually anything, including dreams, can only be achieved with work discipline.

8. Beware of telling friends and family that you don't have time to play with them, dine with them, or do whatever they ask. Too many people fall into the trap of saying, "I don't have time." Sometimes, you simply have to make time. Life is swift and fleeting. Not taking time to show love eventually leaves you with a pile of regrets.  

9. Develop professionalism in your career. If you say you'll do something, always follow through. Don't make empty promises.

10. If you're miserable in your job, look for another one while you're still employed. Yes, life is too short to be miserable every work day. Times are tough right now so maybe hanging onto your job is of utmost importance. If that's the case, then be a stellar employee, smile, be friendly, and help your co-workers.

11. Always be part of the solution, not part of the problem. That philosophy will make you a success in life.

12. Adopt an optimistic attitude. If you're mired in pessimism, that will take work so fake it until you make it. 

13. At least once a week, walk outside at night and look up at the star-studded sky. If you live in a city with "light pollution," take a drive into the country. The night sky is soothing, beautiful, and calming.

14. Once a day, write on a piece of paper, "Good things are coming my way."

15. Clean up your environment. Research—scientific and centuries of Feng Shui, the art/science of positive energy—shows that clutter and disorganized workspaces and homes make people feel tired and overwhelmed. How do your home and office make you feel?

16. Celebrate your victories. Always celebrate your "wins" no matter how small. Don't wait for the big scores to pop the bubbly. They don't come along too often. Celebrating the small victories helps you mark progress and keeps you from burning out.

17. Give people benefit of the doubt online. I've seen so many people get upset because of an email or text they received. I've looked at it, and just see the words. The recipient looks at it and filters it through his/her attitudes, opinions about the person who sent it, past experiences, etc. and comes up thinking the email/text was an insult, the sender was a bitch, and other less flattering comments. Remember, it's impossible to send emotions through digital communications. Cut them a break.

18. Write a letter to someone you love every week. I have bundles of letters written from family members from my childhood on. I can look at a love poem my grandmother wrote to my grandfather. Can you do that 20 years from now if the text is on a cell phone or an email? We started writing letters to those we love because letters can be forever and something precious to the recipient.

19. Smile at a co-worker or neighbor who looks dejected. A simple smile sometimes can brighten a day.

20. Put music on when you're cleaning house and sing. Out loud. You might start something new that will make your family get involved.

21. If you have kids, do them a huge favor and lock them out of the internet at night. Collect all the cell phones and put them away. No WiFi. No cell phone. 

Much research has been done on the effects of constantly being plugged in. The conclusions are frightening with rising statistics about bullying, lack of focus, doing poorly in school, deterioration of self-esteem, and even suicide. 

In case you don't follow the research, most of the geniuses who created all of this marvelous technology don't allow their children unlimited use of cell phones, video games, etc. They were smart enough to make it possible but also smart enough now to limit their own children's exposure to it.

22. Manage your time effectively. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Have you noticed that some people seem to get far more done than you? They've learned to manage their time effectively. For a week, log what you do every 24 hour period. 

Analzye the time you spent and see how many minutes were wasted. By wasted, I mean time spent that you didn't really get any kind of reward for.

An example might be time spent flipping channels with the remote, searching for something to entertain you. Most of the time, little entertainment results.

Could you have been doing something with a bigger payback for the time you spent doing that?

Takeaway Truth

Good things are coming for me and you in 2022!

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