I "grew up" using Word Perfect, and I still think it is a superior product to any other word processing software out there. However, with my ebook biz, I'm forced to use MS Word. There are people who adore Word. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. To me, it seems clunky and redundant in so many functions.
In Word Perfect, you setup a format once, and it's done. In Word, you have to go to 2 or 3 places and make sure the setting is the same in all those places. Woe be to you if you forget to check Paragraph after modifying a style. But you can't fight city hall, or, in this case, the business world that embraced Word as the standard for all communications.
I love freeware because it's, well, free. All joking aside, there is good freeware to be had for just about any task you may confront. In fact, there's a lot of writing software in the freeware treasure chest. Here's one that may help those writers who think more spatially. This will help you organize your thoughts and channel your creativity more effectively--or so it claims. It's free so why not give it a try.
Literary Machine
The Literary Machine is for any writer who must think critically and creatively and who composes and produces documents as well as anyone who sorts and analyzes information. Of course, this means just about anyone from researchers to novelists to teachers, scientists, lawyers, and more.
This software uses a textual concept-mapping matrix. (Anybody want to define that?) Let's just say it helps you brainstorm story and create characterization and a lot more. It's supposed to work the way your brain works. (It probably hasn't seen MY brain.) All kidding aside, if you have trouble getting your story thoughts organized because you're just not a linear thinking, you might try The Literary Machine. There's a learning curve so be prepared to learn it before you use it.
Takeaway Truth
Bottom line: it's free. It might be great for you. If you like it, make a donation to the development team.
Amen, sister. I am being forced to use Word now because that's what my agent and editor want, in addition to the ebooks. It stinks. I hate it. I love and miss using WordPerfect.