If you'll recall from my post yesterday, I have house guests through the Labor Day weekend. Lots of house guests--and they're all fun people. We're having a great time, and I hope you are too for this holiday weekend in the U.S.
"The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it." So said some anonymous sage. This is true. My house is beautifully ornamented now.
The second quotation is from Ralph Waldo Emerson. "We dare not trust our wit for making our house pleasant to our friend, so we buy ice cream."
Totally true. Today's ice cream is Blue Bell Cookies and Cream. Just to make sure I make my house pleasant, I also stocked Blue Bell Tin Roof. Yumalicious times two! Just writing this makes me want a bowl of ice cream, but it's breakfast time.
Takeaway Truth
Once in a blue moon, ice cream is a perfectly acceptable breakfast.
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