Today's post is a resource listing for any of you who may be interested in hanging out her or his writing shingle.
Just remember to investigate any job listing or project site thoroughly so you know what you're getting involved in.
These are just a few of the places where you can find listings of writing jobs. Watch out for ads placed by content mills like Demand which is having its own set of legal problems connected with its IPO quest. Perhaps there is justice if only of the poetic variety since the IPO stalled because of "questionable" accounting practices. Unfortunately, this won't put dollars in the pockets of the many writers who created Demand's touted content inventory numbering in the millions I think.
Freelance BBS
Freelance Switch
Freelance Writing
Freelance Writing Gigs
Online Writing Jobs
Performancings Jobs
Sun Oasis Jobs
Telecommuting Jobs
Work At Home
Writer Find
Write Jobs
Writer Jobz
Writers Weekly
These are legitimate job sites, but the listed jobs range from ridiculously low pay to average wages, albeit on the low side. The truth is that if you want to make a living wage in freelance writing that you need to develop your own list of clients.
Takeaway Truth
Everyone has to start somewhere. Use your early writing successes as stepping stones to where you want to be.
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