Lady Bird Johnson once said, "Where flowers bloom so does hope."
I concur.
Here in Texas, we owe much to the former President's wife and her love of wildflowers. Due to her efforts, a seeding program was carried out years ago and areas where wildflowers already grew were taken care of the encourage re-seeding. The result is a spectacular spring time show of wildflowers.
I don't think there's a prettier time in this state than in spring when bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, coreopsis, phlox, primroses, and Mexican sombreros cover the boulevards, grassy embankments on roadways, and meadows.
Saturday, we drove up through Aggieland and marveled at nature's bountiful crop of wildflowers. Every few miles, we saw people parked along the roads and getting out of their cars to take pictures of the flowers. Everyone from kids to senior citizens could be seen posing amidst fields of bluebonnets, and they all had huge smiles on their faces.
Takeaway Truth
There's just something about wildflowers that brings out the smiles and lifts the spirits.
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