Good Riddance Humanely
After a little research on the Internet, I discovered HavAHeart.com, a specialist in products that repel wild animals by scent and taste. They also have traps in case you want to trap the little critters and drive them to woods to live free rather than continue creating a nuisance of themselves on your property.
Expensive Experience
Some of you who aren't plagued by troublesome squirrels might wonder if they're really such a big problem. Just listen to my expensive tale of woe. We have an old 4 wheel drive Tahoe parked in our porte cochere. We don't use it often. Imagine how surprised we were to find that squirrels had decided to make it their vacation home? They gnawed through the transmission fluid line. Cost to repair $400.00.
Then there was the time a squirrel succeeded in getting into the attic at our previous residence. It fell between the interior and exterior wall framing and got stuck. The Saturday emergency (expensive) pest wrangler we called concluded that we should just leave it alone and maybe it would get out. It did, but only after our enduring about 8 hours of squirrel screaming.
Take Action
If you're overrun by squirrels, you don't have to be. Havahart® products can help. They're EPA approved, and they're humane and safe yet effective as well as kind to the environment. Many of them can even be used in organic gardening.
Great Resource
Their website offers a resource of articles from experts about all kinds of critters that can cause problems for your home and yard. Of course the site is Secure Shopping that accepts all major credit and debit cards. If you sign up for their E-Newsletter, you'll get valuable tips plus 10% off your on-line purchases.
Takeaway Truth
Griping about a problem may give emotional release, but taking action to end the problem is far more satisfying.
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