Now is the winter of my discontent, and, trust me on this, it is NOT made glorious by anything that has happened of late. Today, was the final drop in the bucket of frustration I've been lugging around these past two months. This morning, the very nice gentleman building a fence for the neighbors behind us neatly sliced through our phone line.
Thanks, At&T
Uh oh! No phone. No Internet. No repair until maybe 7PM tomorrow night when they come out to assess the problem. Let's see, tomorrow is Saturday. What are the odds that they will actually repair a buried, severed phone cable in the dark? Anyone want to take that bet? Next day is Sunday. Do they work on Sunday? Guess I'll find out.
Richard, the future king, may have been celebrating an improvement in his family's fortune when he uttered the line that is so often misquoted, but even he quickly descended into bitching and moaning about Edward IV, his brother, and Edward's decadence once he became king - not to mention Richard has plenty to complain about because of the cruel vagaries of Fate that sent him deformed and hunchbacked into the world.
It Is What It Is
You can be happy with a severed phone line or frustrated and bitchy. Regardless of which mood you decide to adopt, you'll still have a severed phone line so you might as well be happy.
Like Richard, I'll try to bring about my own glorious summer, but I think I'll attempt peace and serenity and acceptance of no phone and no web through meditation and positive thinking. Mainly because I can't think of a single way to get AT&T out any sooner by doing it the way Richard gained the throne - by manipulation and treachery just to name a couple of his methods.
Takeaway Truth
I'll be off line after I sign off here. See you as soon as AT&T graces us with a visit.
So sorry about your phone line. Hope it's up soon.
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