It's true that we toil away, pecking at a keyboard, usually with the door to our respective inner sanctums closed in order to block out the kids, the television, the spouse, the dog, and other aspects of real life. We've learned that no matter how much our spouses, sig others, and best friends may love us that they do not understand why we keep at it day after day in the face of rejection after rejection.
Unless they too are writers.
It is not true that we're all misanthropic loners. Sometimes, we do reach the point where most of our friends are other writers. We gradually get to where we're not making new friends outside the writing community. Why? Because other writers are the only people who truly understand what we're attempting to achieve. They are the ones who know the black pit of depression when we've been rejected yet again.
Writer Defined
Writers embody the basic definition of a novel: we are interesting characters, struggling against great odds, to achieve a worthy goal.
Becoming a published author is difficult. Once you reach that goal, you realize that writing and staying published is a tough business. It always has been and always will be.
The Constant
The one constant in this lonely business is that the people you meet along the way will usually remain in your life. Forever. We workers in this lonely profession are really good at maintaining ties. The closest friendships are among those who started out together, overcoming the hurdles along the way.
Takeaway Truth
Embrace and nurture the friendships you make along the way. They'll probably last far longer than your most famous book's life on a best seller list.
Wonderful post and excellent points--I think the analogy of writers as like a novel is a great one (and very fitting ;)).
Why, thanks, Merc!