The 3 C's Quote and a Book Rec

With his wise words, motivational speaker Zig Ziglar changed a lot of lives for the better.

Even though he passed in 2012, his words live on to continue inspiring people.

Today I wanted to share a Ziglar quote with you because it is simple and so profound. It's called the 3 C's quote.

"The 3 C's of Life: choices, chances, changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change."


This started as a short post to give you Ziglar's 3 C's quote, but if you're floundering in life, I want to recommend reading one of Zig Ziglar's books.

He has many books, but the ones that may help you the most are those on personal development like his How to Stay Motivated series.

Ziglar started as a salesman and became so successful at selling that he was asked to teach others how to sell successfully. Thus his writing career began. He's one of the most well-known self-help authors.

You'll find his books in print, digital, and audio. You'll find many videos about him and his books on YouTube.

Developing the Qualities of Success: How to Stay Motivated is a book everyone should probably read because succeeding at anything usually takes long persistent, consistent effort. It's easy to get disillusioned and discouraged. This book tells you how to keep going.


The key to making this book work for you is reading it, thinking about it, internalizing it, and taking action—just as the 3 C's quote says. You have my heartfelt good wishes to succeed.

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