Review - Midway on Netflix

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If you didn't catch MIDWAY, a film by Roland Emmerich, at the theater when it debuted in 2019, you have a second chance to see this compelling true story of the battle that turned the tide of World War 2.

The film, a "passion project" by Director Emmerich who had difficulty in funding the movie which he announced in 2017.

When the cast of  Ed SkreinPatrick WilsonLuke EvansAaron EckhartNick JonasMandy MooreDennis QuaidTadanobu AsanoDarren Criss, and Woody Harrelson joined the production in 2018, filming began in Hawaii.

Produced by Harald Kloser and written by Wes Tooke, the movie covers the first 6 months after the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

That 6 months of scrambling to rebuild defense forces and prevent further attacks culminated in the Battle of Midway. Historical accuracy of the film is high, and the drama is true to life.

Director Emmerich and screenwriter Tooke said they took some literary license with the story, but they staunchly asserted the film was historically accurate. In fact, combat veterans and historians praised the film for that. Most critics consider it to be a much better than the 1976 film of the same name and the 2001 film Pearl Harbor.

Therefore, I was surprised in researching this film that had a production budget of $100 million—making it one of the most expensive independent films of all time—to learn that it was a flop because it grossed only $126 million worldwide.

It had mixed reviews from critics who criticized the screenplay—again, this was based on actual history in all of its drama and anguish. 

I guess that in this day and age, the heroism displayed by the military in World War 2 and the war itself aren't considered of great value and/or interest.


On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese forces launch a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. 

Six months later, the Battle of Midway commences on June 4, 1942, as the Japanese navy once again plans a strike against American ships in the Pacific.

For the next three days, the U.S. Navy and a squad of brave fighter pilots engage the enemy in one of the most important and decisive battles of World War II. 

Sadly, many of those American pilots suffered permanent lung damage due to defective oxygen masks, but they persevered because they realized the significance of Midway.

Midway can be streamed on Netflix if you're a subscriber or on Tubi for free. You can also rent it on Amazon, Apple, and probably a few other services.


The Battle of Midway is one of the reasons those who fought World War 2 are hailed as the Greatest Generation, and this movie beautifully illustrates that fact.

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