Review - Rizzoli & Isles Series on Max

Over the last several weeks, we've binged Rizzoli & Isles on Max.

If you don't subscribe to Max, you can find the series on Prime. Each season costs around $15-17.

We never watched it when it was "live" on TNT. I guess the only reason we watched it now was because we couldn't find anything else to watch.

Despite the gruesome murder that happens at the beginning of each episode, the series is...pleasant and well-acted with appealing characters—some are quirky and get a bit more quirky as the seasons progress.

The police procedures in the investigations skip  over or gloss over some things, but then I've watched and read so many that I expect a police procedural to be accurate and believable.

Heck, it's a character driven series, and the characters are fun, and that makes it completely watchable.


Opposites attract has to be the calling card of this series. Police detective Jane Rizzoli wears tee shirts and casual pants and loves hamburger and beer. Her idea of culture must be a velvet Elvis.

Wealthy medical examiner Dr. Maura Isles wears couture, speaks French, and was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's also a genius who knows everything and spouts it whether anyone wants to hear or not.

These two mismatched opposites have two things in common—they're both tuogh and relentless in search of the truth and they're best friends.

Together, they solve Boston's crimes and put away the bad guys.

Angie Harmon is Jane Rizzoli, Sasha Alexander is Dr. Maura Isles, Jordan Bridges is Jane's brother Frankie, Lorraine Bracco is Jane's mother Angela, and Bruce McGill (I first saw him as D-Day in Animal House!) is Detective Vince Korsak, Jane's mentor and former partner.

It's an easy to watch series that won't keep you glued to the couch for episode after episode. Instead, you can enjoy an episode or two and come back to it a day or more later and pick up more or less where you left off.


Based on Tess Gerritsen's bestselling novels, the characters are the best part of this series, and the actors breathe life into them.

If you'd like to read the novels, I think The Surgeon is the first of the Rizzoli & Isles books.

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June Update - 24 for 2024

This is the 3rd quarter report on my 24 for 2024 things I want to do this year.

I didn't call these goals or resolutions. They're just a list of things I wanted to focus on this year.


(1) Regain energy and muscle mass lost when sick in 2023. Still working on it. Added Yoga to my walking and weight lifting his month.

(2) Workout in the morning within thirty minutes of waking up. I still haven't managed to get up before 8:30 so I'm going to start setting an alarm 5 minutes earlier every three days until I reach my goal wake-up time.

(3) Return to my previous Monday through Friday office schedule, starting at 8:00AM and ending at 5:00PM. Agh! I am struggling here. Every week, it seems like there are out of the ordinary incidents that suck away my time and leave me frustrated. I just read about the IF-THEN theory which I'm going to try. More on that later.


(4) Make a decision about Kindle Vella. The data didn't support this return on time invested. I got the rights back on my Vellas but haven't completed editing and formatting for publishing yet. Again, the time suck that seems to be my life this year.

(5) Be more active on social media. I'm doing more of it, but I'm not consistent so that needs work.

(6) Publish all my books "wide." Finally, all my books are out of Kindle Unlimited. I've got several uploaded wide now with more to come. Check out my books on Books2Read


(7) Finishing uploading all books "wide" on Draft2Digital. 

(8) Finish edit on Good Girl Conspiracy. (Wrote it last year but I wasn't happy with it)

(9) Format the last traditionally published novel for publication in August.

(10) Finish the window treatments on the rest of the windows in our home in town.

(11) Write the next 3 short stories for A Moment in Time series.


Since there have been so many unexpected events as well as emergencies, storms that knock out the power, and other frustrations, I developed an If-THEN plan. It works like this.

IF blank happens, THEN I will blank. Here are some examples.

(1) If the electricity goes off, then I will work on the short stories using my AlphaSmart and upload what I've written when power is restored.

(2) If I'm called away on an emergency, I'll take my AlphaSmart with me to draft blog posts, chapter novels, or plotting notes.

(3) If I'm physically tired from traveling and don't feel like writing, then I'll jot down ideas for book covers, marketing graphics, and other things that require imagination but not a lot of energy.

Get it? You make a plan for the curve balls life throws at you so you'll know what to do when you can't do something the way you'd planned.


The real takeaway from this post is this: Make an If-Then plan for yourself. It'll keep you focused and productive rather than frustrated and overwhelmed.

Monday Magic - Free App - How Stuff Works

Before I get to today's Free App Review, I thought I'd share the beauty of the fields of black-eyed Susans around our house in the country. Simply goreous.

I love flowers of all kinds, but wildflowers are especially wonderful. 

This morning, the view inspired me to write 10 Reasons I Love June for Smart Girls Read Romance. Drop by and see if you agree with my reasons.

Now, on to today's Free App to educate and maybe entertain the kids on a family vation by car: How Stuff Works.

This fascinating website offers articles about how "stuff" works in these categories: Science, Tech, Home, Garden, Auto, Culture, Health, Money, Animals, Lifestyle, and Entertainment. It also offers Quizzes, Crosswords, Riddles, and Puzzles.

The content changes frequently. Today, these were the top picks: The 10 Safest Countries in 2024—just in case you want to know where it's safe to vacation.

Also popular today are How to Delete a Page in Word on Mac and Windows and A Look at Spanish-speaking Countries and Regional Dialects.

Kids may be fascinated by The Cassowary, World's Most Dangerous Bird or Why Are Moose Dangerous, Even More Threatening Than Bears?

They'll certainly like Riddles, for instance, "A girl fell off a 20 foot ladder, but she wasn't hurt. Why not?"

Some adults might want to know How to Connect AirPods to a Laptop (Windows and Mac).


Give the kid-sized road warriors something free to do besides watching endless videos. Try How Stuff Works, free educational entertainment that appeals to kids and adults.

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Great Quotes for Dad on Father's Day

Father's Day is always poignant since my Dad is no longer on this mortal plain.

Today's post is dedicated to my Dad and all the other fathers and grandfathers out there.

“A father carries pictures where his money used to be.” –—Steve Martin

“It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping.” —John Sinor

"My father is my rock. It's where I learned everything about loyalty, dependability, about being there day-in, day-out, no matter what." —Hugh Jackman

"One of the greatest gifts my father gave me —unintentionally—was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity." —Ben Okri

"Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song." —Pam Brown

“My father didn’t do anything unusual. He only did what dads are supposed to do—be there.” —Max Lucado

“Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life.” —Marinela Reka

“It’s not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” —Johann Friedrich von Schiller

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." —Billy Graham

“Fatherhood is a marathon, not a sprint.” — Paul L. Lewis

“A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.” —Gregory E. Lang

“Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds.” —Terri Guillemets


"My dad's not here, but he's watching in heaven."

I didn't say that. Golfer Bubba Watson did, but it's a thought I like. I hope he thinks I've lived a good life. I miss him, but he lives in my heart.

Saturday Share Recipe - My Dad's Tea Cakes

Since tomorrow is Father's Day, I thought I'd post the recipe for my Dad's favorite cookie, Tea Cakes.

When the subject was Tea Cakes, he always mentioned the Tea Cakes he first tasted when he was a child.

These old-fashioned cookies  remained his favorite despite his affection for the oatmeal cookies which I made for him when I was a child.

These aren't super sweet, and they do call for buttermilk which I always have in my fridge.

I wish all of you Dads out there, a Happy Father's Day. I hope your kids and grandkids make the day special for you.


Buttermilk and baking soda create a chemical reaction in a recipe that regular milk doesn't. It also has a softening effect and a browning effect on baked goods. 

You can try this recipe with sef-rising flour thus eliminating the salt and decreasing the baking soda to 1/4 teaspoon, but the baking powder that's already in self-rising flour will make the cookie fluffier rather than dense like a butter cookie.



1 cup sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter, softened

1 large egg

4 tablespoons buttermilk

* 2 1/2 to 3 cups AP Flour

* 1 teaspoon baking soda

* 1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


* I suppose you could use self-rising flour thus eliminating the salt

1. Set out the stick of butter about an hour before you want to make the tea cakes.

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (about 176 degrees C.).

3. Line a heavy cookie sheet with parchment paper.

4. Cream the sugar and butter together.

5. To the creamed mixture, add the egg, buttermilk, salt, and vanilla. Mix well.

6. Mix the flour and the baking soda together then begin to add this dry mixture to the creamed mixture.

7. Add enough of the flour mix until the dough forms a ball that is pliable and easy to handle without it breaking apart.

8. Sprinkle a tiny amount of flour on your rolling surface and roll the cookies out thin.

9. Cut with a round, star-shape, or heart-shape cookie cutter and carefully transfer to the baking sheet. For a more rustic look, you can drop by teaspoonfuls onto the baking sheet.

10. Sprinkle sugar over the top of the cookies.

11. Bake 10 to 15 minutes until very light tan color.

12. Carefully transfer the baked cookies to a cooling rack. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. Cool slightly before serving. Simply delicious with a glass of milk or a cup of tea or coffee.


I miss you Daddy. 

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My 5 Rules for Naming Book Characters

Have you ever wondered how authors choose names for their characters?

I'm always interested in how other authors do this. I like to know if their process in arriving at a name is like mine or something completely different.

Years ago, I wrote a time travel romance. Despite good feedback from editors, my agent never succeeded in placing the story with a publisher. (It was mixed genre, and I didn't have the creds to go "off genre" then.)

When I resurrected that manuscript and published it as a Kindle Vella, I had to change the hero's name. Originally, his name was Nicholas, but in the ensuing years, I ended up with a grandson named Nicholas. 

So I changed the hero's name, but I'm not happy with the new name. That's why I haven't yet published that Vella as an ebook. I'm still looking for a satisfactory hero name.


I have 5 or 6 "name" books, often called baby name books, that I page through. 

The first one I ever used was The Best Baby Name Book in the World.

This simple book is divided into Girls and Boys and gives the ethnicity of each name along with variations of each name.

The other books list names by popularity—in career fields, ethnicities, time eras, use in classical literature, historical origin, and other specific areas of interest.

Rule 1: Never choose a name for a main character that was already used.

I've kept a file with all names—first and last— and the books in which those names were used. I started the list after I realized I'd used the same surname in 2 unrelated novels.

2. Choose a name that reflects the year of birth.

One would never choose the name Ashley for a girl in a western historical because Ashley was a surname until the 1940s in America. Just as no one in today's world would name a girl Gladys, which was super popular in 1910, but fell out of favor in 1975.

3. Choose a name that reflects the character's ethnicity.

Luna would be an excellent choice for a Hispanic baby girl, but Mabel might not be a good choice unless there was a compelling reason to name the character against ethnicity. By the way, Mabel fell off the populariy list in 1964 but returned to the list in 2013.

4. Choose a name that reflects the character's parents socio-economic background.

If the parents are Harvard-educated lawyers, they probably wouldn't name a son Jim Bob or  a daughter Betty Lou.

5. Choose a name that reflects the parents' cultural background.

This one may be a more subtle. For instance, parents who love opera might select a girl's name like Evalina or Lucia, not Tiffany or Lexi, or Damon for a boy, but not Chad.

Someone in the world of fine art or classical music might choose names reflective of those cultural experiences.

6. Never name a character after a real person's full name or use a real business name.

If you want to use a real business name like Joe's Shoesyou must have a signed release from the owner that legally entitles you to use the name. Obviously there are exceptions. 

Many years ago, How to Bulletproof Your Manuscript was published by Writers Digest Books. It's out of print, and I couldn't find a newer alternative. You may think you have the license to say anything in the wild world of the internet including people's real names, places of business, etc., but that is simply NOT true. Be smart and don't set yourself up for a lawsuit.


Choosing names for characters, pets, businesses, towns, etc. is so much fun. Choosing the "right" name helps a character come alive. So get 1 or 2 name books and also check the internet.

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Review - The Hunt on Amazon Prime

If you're looking for some kick-ass action, a twisted plot colored by wicked satire, then The Hunt is a movie you'll like.

The Hunt stars Betty Gilpin of GLOW, an acclaimed Netflix series, and Oscar Winner Hilary Swank.

The tite of the movie foreshadows the premise: ruthless elitists hunt those they label as worthless.

Gilpin is the intrepid will-not-back-down heroine. Swank is the wealthy leader of a bunch of amoral elitists who disdain those they deem as blights on the human landscape—deplorables.

I watched this on Prime, but if you're not an Amazon subscriber, you can rent or buy it on Amazon.

You can also wait a few weeks to see if it pops up on a free streaming service like Tubi.


The film opens with a bit of backstory about the dangers of texting your cohorts about your heinous plans which lead to an outing on the internet. What happens next is still shocking.

That sets the viewers up for the scene where 12 strangers awake in a remote clearing. They all have ball gags in place and no idea of where they are or how they got there.

Because of the title and opening scene, you know these super-rich evil elitists are the hunters, and the clueless humans—society's deplorables—are the prey.

Crystal, (Betty Gilpin) one of their would-be victims, is not inclined to be a victim. What follows is a lesson in never-give-up- survival along with a big dose of retribution.

Gilpin is completely believable as a woman willing to fight—a woman who can handle herself in tough situations and who can read people and situations. She's a great character. 


The Hunt was released in the USA on March 13, 2020, by Universal Pictures. Directed by Craig Zobel and written by Nick Cuse and Damon Lindelof, it scored $12.4M at the box office. Since it was released during CoVid when most theaters were closed, it wasn't a financial success.

Yet, streaming online has drawn an audience because of its brutal satire and black humor as well as its theme of rich against the "deplorables," taken from a Hilary Clinton speech in which she called some Trump supporters "a basket of deplorables."

Political beliefs aside, the film is supposed to be satirical and succeeds in that. The action scenes are believable and scary, and the acting is superb. I must say it was weird seeing Hilary Swank in that kind of role. Betty Gilpin is just awesome in everything I've seen her in.


Definitely worth seeing if this kind of story is your cup of tea. Great characters, black humor, non-stop action, and an ending applauding an underdog who wins.

Joan participates in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate advertising designed to help websites earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon. If you click an Amazon link in her post, she may receive a small commision at no extra cost to you.

Sign up for I LOVE READINGJoan's free NL, to receive exclusive content and book news about giveaways, bargains, and new releases.

Home At Last

We had a wonderful time visiting family in Louisiana, but it's really good to be home again.

It's like Madeleine L'Engle once said, "Maybe that's the best part of going away for a vacation—coming home again."

I was away from the office much longer than I intended, but it was time well spent.

Of course, that means I'm way behind on, well, just about everything.


Catching up starts tomorrow.

6 More Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

I'm back with some more Useful Keyboard Shortcuts to make your life easier.

Previous posts about this subject are:

Keyboard Shortcuts for Punctuation Marks

Keyboard Shortcuts to Pick Colors

More Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

1. Open Emoji Keyboard

When entering text, press Windows logo key + . (period)

2. Open date and time in the Taskbar

Press Windows Key + Alt + D

3. Reveal a typed password in a Sign-in screen

Alt + F8

4. Open context menu for the active window

Alt + Spacebar

5. View open apps

Ctrl + Alt + Tab 

6. Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph

Ctrl + Down arrow key


Anything that saves time—even a few seconds is a very good thing.