Blogging Explained in Less Than 280 Characters

This post title came from one of the topic generators I listed in my new release, Blog Ops, Be a Better Blogger.

To illustrate the benefit of the website where I found this post title, I thought I'd blog about it myself. Fun, right?

I can then put the link to this post in my book, which is scheduled for release June 5, 2022.

(By the way, I'm pleased to announce that my book, only 99¢ new release price, is the #1 New Release in User Generated Content, i.e., blogging.)

Analyze the Post Title

When you use a topic generator, the first thing you should do is analyze the title that pops up. Many times, that tells you what the content should be.

In this case, obviously the 140 Characters in the title tells you that this is a post you can use to promote your blog on Twitter.

Of course, Twitter now allows you to use 280 characters so I changed the generated title to indicate this update. That gives you plenty of room for a good Tweet, the permalink, and some specific hashtags.

With that thought in mind, here are some of the 280 character Tweets I came up in a few minutes to explain blogging.

1. Sharing my passion for blogging. #SlingWords  #blogging #bloggingtips (158 characters) 

Note: That's the permalink to this post. For the other Tweet examples, I'm making up a permalink)

2. Today, I'm blogging about my love of gardening with a post about planting tomatoes to ensure success. #gardening #blogging (191 characters)

3. 5 Reasons I Love Blogging: Sharing, Writing, Hobby, Fun, Friendship. #inspiration #blogging #writing (166 characters)

Takeaway Truth

Yes, blogging is really all about sharing what you know or love with others in the hope you find an audience is hungry for what you have to say or who also have a passion for the same things.

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