How to Develop the Reading Habit in Others

Develop the reading habit in a child by reading a bedtime story every night. 

If you do this every day, you'll have read 1,825 books to your child by his/her 5th birthday.

To develop the reading habit in an adult is more difficult, but I think it can be done. 

Learn what interests the adult—what TV programs, movies, and hobbies appeal to them? 

How do they spend their leisure time? What are they passionate about.

Find a book with some aspect of that passion. 

Maybe it's characters who share that interest in some way, perhaps as a job or a hobby, or it's in their background. Look for books with plots that revolve around that special interest, books with information plots about that.

There are millions of novels out there so I know there are some that can appeal to everyone. 

Enter a topic into Amazon's search box and be amazed at how many books pop up.

True Story

When my daughter was a baby, I'd read the newspapers to her. I wanted to read them, and I found the sound of my voice made her content.

She'd lie on a quilt looking up at me, and I'd read the daily newspaper to her as well as articles in the Wall Street Journal. She's always been a reader, and she married a man who reads too. Their home library is almost as large as mine.

Takeaway Truth

Give books as gifts. Give them as print, ebook, or audio. Donate books to shelters, libraries, and schools. Share the gift of reading.

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