4 Secrets to a Joyful Life

Want to know the secrets to a joyful life?

1. Avoid being snared by the trap of regret.

Whether it's regret about something little like you didn't clear your To Do list yesterday or regret over something big like you didn't get into the college of your choice, regret is a killer.

Disappointment is natural, but wallowing in disappointment will kill your soul.

2. Avoid postponing happiness.

When you think, "When I reach this goal, I'll be happy," you're just postponing happiness.

3. Adopt the attitude that happiness is a choice that comes from within, not from external circumstances.

You can be happy right where you are, day in and day out. Be happy when you’re typing away on your first draft of a book or working at the Evil Day Job. Be happy when you’re pulling weeds from the garden or having dinner in a 5-star restaurant. Be happy when reading a great review or a lousy one. It's within your power to choose happiness.

4. Live today.

Not yesterday; that's gone, and nothing can call it back. Not tomorrow; no one knows what tomorrow may bring. Be happy right in this minute.

Takeaway Truth

Be present in your life in this very moment.

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