Loretta is a fun--and funny--lady so I'm peppering her with fun questions today, and she's giving me some answers that make me chuckle.
Giveaway Alert
Loretta is giving a Kindle copy of Siren's Call to one lucky commenter. So don’t be shy, share your thoughts!
1. What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to food and drink?
My guilty pleasure when it comes to food is anything sweet or loaded with carbs. I love chocolate, but then again, what woman doesn’t? I haven’t met one! And, second best, is any form of pasta. Both of these guilty pleasures are big no-no’s for me because I’m diabetic. Of course, I realize they’re big no-no’s to most everyone who stays on a diet, so at least I have company over here in the whining department.

I have to say, the only thing I feel guilty of regarding books, is the money I spend. I’ve become a Kindle addict because it’s so easy to click and buy.
I try to order a sample first, to make sure I like the author’s voice. That does prevent me from downloading some books I think I might like, then find I don’t. So, my guilty pleasure is downloading as if I owned stock in Amazon.
3. What's the worst review you ever received?
The absolute worst review and experience was an extremely low starred review given to me after meeting with a couple over dinner.
The wife was writing her first book and wanted to know if she could anticipate a contract of at least $500,000 for the first piece.
I searched for an answer that didn’t end in a tirade of laughter, and explained she would need to study the craft and minimize her expectations a touch.

4. What did you do, if anything, after reading that review?
I didn’t respond to the review. The only time I respond is with a thank you or an elaboration to a question a reviewer might ask. I try to keep the focus on the positive when answering my readers.
In this case, I began screaming pretty quickly. I have to say, I raved for quite a spell. I think it could best be described as a Texas Hissy Fit.
I called a couple of author friends and said, “You want to hear a good one?” Of course they screamed and raved too, which made me feel some better. It’s that misery and company thing, you know? Then I popped a piece of sugar-free chocolate, trying to help the endorphins along. *LOL*
Sometimes authors are very vulnerable to people with really dark intentions. My advice regarding this? Buckle up, Buttercup; it’s a rough road out there in the writing world. Get ready for some hard knocks as well as all the wonderful things that await you.
Just remember wonderful usually outweighs the rough stuff. Oh, and keep a supply of chocolate around, it’s a writer’s remedy for darn near anything.

I’ve been fortunate to have a few really outstanding reviews. And as I’m sure most authors do, I read them a couple of times.
The first read gives a rush of joy. The second, I’m looking at the words more deeply. After that, I’m dancing down the hall, sharing the words with anyone who’ll listen.
With Siren’s Call, one review I received was verbal as well as written. I met the person at a conference, and he told me he had a difficult time finding the right words to describe the story. He finally wound up saying it was magical, lyrical, the words luminous. His words still stay with me and they’re what I choose to focus on when things aren’t always magical. And his words help.
Any final thing you'd like to say to SlingWords readers?
Yes! Thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts. And please, if you enjoy a touch of sensuality in your reading, give Siren’s Call a read. Who knows, maybe you’ll find it lyrical too, and then be tempted by the siren’s call to leave a review. Just think, you know what I’ll be doing after I read the review...dancing down the hall, laughing, and popping sugar-free chocolates like crazy.
Remember the Giveaway
Loretta is giving a Kindle copy of Siren's Call to one lucky commenter . So don’t be shy, share your thoughts! Leave a comment for my guest.
Siren's Call by Loretta Wheeler
This short, sensuous story about Michael, one of the characters in the Southern Breezes series, serves as a bridge between Southern Breezes/The Verandah and Southern Breezes/The Siren’s Shop, the next book which will be released soon.
Siren's Call was originally published in an anthology and then found its home inside the Southern Breezes series.
They have been with us for centuries...beguiling us with their beauty...tempting us with their charm...seducing us...and evolving...
Legends have been with us since the beginning of time, and every once in awhile we discover these legends twine eerily with the truth, filling us with a sense of wonder and the unsettling thought that perhaps, just perhaps, the lore may be true.
Down in the Florida Keys, Michael, a sculptor and charter boat captain, is drawn back to the same area of water, over and over again...because something is pulling him there, throughout the day...and long into the night.
Takeaway Truth
The weekend is approaching. Looking for a sexy read?
Try Siren's Call by Loretta Wheeler.
Good mornin', Joan! :) Thanks for hosting me and offering me a chance to "Take Five" and let my hair down. Sometimes life inside a writer's world is a wild place, something readers seldom see. This is a behind the scenes look at responses to reviews and, God love us, the world of editing. Watching author's go through both situations can be a crazy story itself! At least the reader's can't hear the actual rave going on in here when I received that bad review! I'm sure I've broached a subject that many authors can relate to, and readers can mull over and say, boy, I'd never thought about that :)
ReplyDeleteAlways a pleasure, Loretta. I can count on you to make me smile.
DeleteGreat interview, ladies! Loved your book Siren's Call, Loretta. :) It's a must read! And I've had my fair share of those TEXAS Hissy fits! LOL What a perfect way to describe it. ;)
ReplyDeleteHi, Melissa :) Thank you for stopping in and perching by me for a moment :) I'm glad you enjoyed Siren's Call, and thank you for sharing that you did. I think Texas Hissy Fits are a well-known entity amongst us southern gals! lol Thank goodness for chocolate...it balances out those endorphins!
DeleteHey, Melissa. Thanks for visiting with us today.
DeleteGreat interview!!! How did I miss this one? I just bought it...can't wait to read it. Loved The Verandah!
Hey, Tessy! It's good to see you here :) And, I think you missed this one because this is my first time to really begin marketing Siren's Call. It released almost consecutively with The Verandah, but most of the rattle and hum went toward The Verandah :) This gives the reader a deeper look at Michael, a secondary character who's coming on much stronger in the next book. You'll have to let me know if you like it :) Thanks for stopping in and for going ahead a purchasing it! :)
DeleteHello, Tessy. Glad you dropped by. Happy reading.
DeleteA really interesting interview. Hope your new work gets lots of great reviews! All the best.
ReplyDeleteHi, Jacqueline :) I'm glad you enjoyed the interview...and like you, I'm hoping for the best with reviews :) Thanks for stopping in, gal!
DeleteHey, Jacquie. Lovely to see you. Thanks for visiting with us today.
DeleteA delightful review by a special writer. Loretta Wheeler's works are entertaining and "lyrical" as one gentleman suggested.
ReplyDeleteThanks so Joan Reeves for hosting.
Hi, Betty :) It's so good to see you :) Thank you for sharing that you found Siren's Call lyrical, also. In some ways, this story is written closer to my true author's voice...the Southern Breezes series shows my lighter, and more humorous side...Siren's Call takes a step back to how I began :) Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteReviews can lift us up or send us to a place we prefer not to go...I loved your examples. Talking definitely helps to deal with the ups and downs of a writer's life.
ReplyDeleteSiren's Call is downloaded and next on my reading list. I loved The Verandah and am excited to dig into Siren's Call :)
It's great seeing you, Anna :) I'm glad you identified with the big roller coaster ups and downs of how we ride with reviews :) As I said, I think most authors do, we all seem to have the same reactions :) Thank you for downloading Siren's Call...I hope you enjoy the lure of the sea :)
DeleteI'm making the announcement of who won a free Kindle copy of Siren's Call. Can you hear the drum roll? Pity there's no sound effects on here! The free copy of Siren's Call goes to, Jacqueline Seewald! Watch your email for the gifted copy from Amazon, Jacquline!