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About Wolves' Pawn

Dot McKenzie is a lone wolf-shifter on the run, one step ahead of her pursuers. When she is offered a chance for friendship and safety with the Fairwood pack, she accepts.
Gavin Fairwood, reluctant heir to the Fairwood pack leadership, is content to let life happen, but old longings surface when he appoints himself Dot’s protector ... and becomes more than a friend.
Can anything save their love and Dot’s life when she becomes a pawn in a pack leader’s deadly game?
When did you write Wolves' Pawn?
Wolves' Pawn started off as a short story two years ago. It's a paranormal romance, and not a genre that I ever expected to write in. It only took a few months to write the first draft, but over a year to edit and re-edit and shape into something I was satisfied with.
What was the spark that gave you the story idea?
The opening scene of the book was the direct result of a dream. As I played with the opening scene, and the characters started talking to me, more and more of the story came to me. There are several themes that run through the book, but the idea of a strong female lead is the one I'm happiest with.
Why do readers buy Wolves' Pawn?
Readers buy for two reasons. The first is the eye-catching cover, thanks to my cover artist, K.M. Guth. The second is because it's a non-typical shifter story, and the sex in the story is behind closed doors.
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Some of my novels also started as short stories. I think this is pretty common. You get into a story and want it to develop and continue. Best of luck with your novel!
ReplyDeleteI'm like the old cliche: "A novelist is a failed short story writer, and a short story writer is a failed poet."