Writing Prosperity and Mary Caelsto

This morning, I'm having coffee with Mary Caelsto. Of course, I'm enjoying my morning cup of java in my home office in Houston while Mary is having her favorite beverage at her home in the Ozarks.

Mary, who has written romance for over ten years under a variety of pen names, makes her home with her partner and a menagerie of animals, including two spoiled horses, an opinionated parrot, a wiggly puppy, an office bunny, and the not-so-itty-bitty kitty committee.

She's still writing romance, but she's also taken on the persona of The Muse Charmer, using her lengthy experience in publishing to coach authors. She tries to show authors the building blocks to create the careers they desire.

On March 21, Mary begins teaching a class with an intriguing title: Writing Prosperity Into Your Publishing Plan.

Mary Caelsto, thanks for being here. Why don't you tell us about your class?

Writing Prosperity Into Your Publishing Plan
by Mary Caelsto

For most of us, we never got into publishing out of a desire for dollars. Yes, being published and having sales are great; we certainly won’t turn down royalty checks. But, when it comes to being published, most authors I know, including myself, started with the need to tell stories. As we grew as writers, so too did our stories, and once we became published, our backlists began to grow as well.

Authors today have far more choices and as a consequence know far more than many authors who started out several years ago, and still, they don’t begin with a prosperity practice, or plan, in mind. It’s only after being published, sometimes multiple times, that authors begin to think about prosperity and how to grow their income. It’s at this point, when authors start thinking about prosperity practices.

What Is Prosperity Practice?

Simply put, a prosperity practice is something done repeatedly that helps increase an author’s sales and income—their prosperity. As authors, it’s easy to do things, such as social media, blog posts, chats, etc., to boost our prosperity. Our marketing efforts are part of a well-rounded prosperity practice. It’s the inner author that takes work, and it’s also the part of our writing that is often neglected.

For me, a prosperity practice is a blend of spirituality, new thought, healing techniques and modalities, and some good old fashioned goal setting. Others create practices that nurture the inner author and work with their own beliefs and interests. There is no one “right” way to create a prosperity practice.

Time To Analyze Yourself

If you haven’t, take some time to think about how you nurture and care for yourself, and also how this affects your thoughts on money, income, royalties, and prosperity. Sometimes a bit of soul searching is all that’s needed to find the shift necessary to help us move forward with our dreams. Other times, this introspection can lead us down paths we might not have thought about and open doors we never imagined.

It is time that authors start to write their prosperity into their publishing plans. It can be as natural as plotting a book, creating a marketing plan, or making a timeline for a series. Even authors who don’t plan, who write by the seat of their pants, can still incorporate prosperity work into daily writing and personal practices to help them grow. When it comes to thinking about all aspects of our writing careers, it only makes sense to think about the prosperity too. Because whether we like to admit it or not, that’s an important part of our careers and deserves the same level of attention we give the rest of our writing.

Want To Know More?

Want to learn more about prosperity practices? Join Mary for Prosperity Practices For Writers, a six week class beginning March 21. Learn about personal prosperity practices and how you can integrate them into your writing and your life to help support and energize you toward your financial goals.

Takeaway Truth

This was food for thought for me. I've not thought of writing prosperity into my career plan. Maybe I should? Readers, what do y'all think of this?

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