I've been away. This is the first time I've had so many non-blogging days since I started Sling Words in early 2005. I was so busy packing up my daughter and me for our summer in Junction, Texas, at the Texas Tech campus that I didn't even have time to post a farewell blog.
This was to be the first semester of my daughter's post grad campaign. This is the same daughter who had surgery in early June. Things seemed to be progressing well during her recovery.
Unfortunately, pain bloomed Monday night, and it grew worse and worse. We were up all night, watching the deer feed below the ranch house where we were staying until dawn brought the realization that we needed to get back to her doctor pronto.
Fabulous School
The people at Texas Tech were simply wonderful. Karen Lopez in Admissions was completely understanding and supportive. Robin Germany, the professor teaching the digital photography class offered to work with my daughter via video conferencing since my daughter has such a clear focus on her project and is so goal oriented. That way my daughter won't lose her semester credit. Of course everything depends on the doctor's report.
I packed us up. Closed the house, and drove like a bat out of "you know where" to get us home. Now we're waiting for the doctor. I'm worried. There's a lot that can go wrong with the bone grafts and steel pins holding her foot together. I try really hard not to let my writer's imagination get a toehold in my brain.
Waiting is hell.
Takeaway Truth
A writer's imagination is the key to hell.
Thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bill and Terry.