Selling book: No Plot? No Problem!

This is the book that launched NaNoWriMo, or was it the other way around? {g} In any event, No Plot? No Problem! is by Chris Baty, published by Chronicle Books, copyright 2004, 176 pages, softcover, excellent condition, original price $14.95.

No Plot? No Problem! is billed as "a low-stress, high-velocity guide to writing a novel in 30 days. This is certainly worth a read because it's all about turning off the internal editor and letting your muse out of the editorial prison and being free to create. Many writers participate in the NaNoWriMo each year. Some actually do write enough manuscript pages to equal a novel, but we're not talking polished here. There aren't too many natural-born writers around so most of the manuscript pages need editing.

Many writers take part in order to push a stalled project to the front burner so to speak. Some just need a kick start to get going.

I'm selling this pristine copy for $5.00 plus postage. Email me at: joansells @ if you want it.

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