Corporate garbage speak

Thanks to Paperback Writer, one of my favorite stops in the AM, for my morning laugh. In her blog, she credits the link from author John Walkenbach)

If you're one of those people who laugh insanely at the garbage spewed by corporate talking heads, then Corporate Gibberish Generator is for you. Just insert your name or a company name, click, and it will create custom made, official sounding wordage just for you. Here's a sample.

"At Sling Words, we have come to know how to engage nano-strategically. The metrics for blog-based niches are more well-understood if they are not C2B2B. If all of this seems amazing to you, that's because it is! We pride ourselves not only on our 24/7/365, social-network-based feature set, but our newbie-proof administration and simple configuration."

Oh, my! What did I do in my spare time before discovering the distractions of the Internet? Oh, yeah, I did things like laundry, vacuuming, etc.

This is way more fun.

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