Be the Best You

I have my morning cup of coffee in my hand, and I'm ready to give y'all some Love.

What do you do when you watch a video, read a blog, or hear someone say, "Go out there and be the best (whatever) possible"?

I roll my eyes because it's a meaningless platitude.

Wouldn't it be better advice to say, "If you can't be THE best, be YOUR best." I think that's true because being YOUR best is within the realm of possibilitiy.

Striving to be YOUR best allows for the reality that only one can be THE best, but anyone can learn, work, and try to improve to be YOUR best. Think about that. Don't waste time in attain the unattainable.

Wouldn’t your energy and time be better spent in trying to be the best you? You with your voice, your style, your personality, your skills, your experiences? You are the one and only original YOU. That's a great thing.


Forget about being the best. Work on being YOUR best. Be the best you.

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