How NOT to Succeed in 2024

You are probably awash in advice about how to succeed, achieve your goals, and generally become the person you want to be.

I have a different outlook on how to be more in 2024. I think you probably know what you want. You also know what you've done in the past to get what you want.

My advice is to look backward and assess how you lived your life last year.

How NOT to Succeed in 2024

10. Binge watch all the popular series and movies you've heard about because entertainment is important.

9. Stay up late every night and sleep late every morning.

8.  Avoid drinking water. Drink soda, wine, and beer instead. It's just as good, isn't it?

7. Eat a lot of processed foods because they're conveniet and saving time is important, right?
6. Love sweets? Who doesn't? Be sure and include sugary treats every day because they taste so good.

5. Stay indoors as much as possible because you don't need the sunshine vitamin, do you?

4. Avoid exercise whenever you can. Who wants to sweat and get sore muscles?

3. Don't interact with successful people because you might feel bad by comparison.

2. Never try something that's out of your comfort zone because you might feel uncomfortable.

1. Never learn anything new. You're an adult. You should already know everything you need to know, right?

Takeaway Truth

In other words, keep doing what you've always done, but expect a different result. No! Wait! That's the definition of insanity, isn't it?

My January Giveaway Rafflecopter begins Friday, January 5, 2024. The prize is One (1) Amazon Gift Card for $10.00. Drop by on that day to get the Rafflecopter link. 

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