Always Compare Yourself To...

I heard something last week that I want to pass along to you.

I can't remember where I heard it. I was passing through the living room, and the TV was on. The words kind of glanced off me.

However, I must have internalized them because they popped into my head later.

Never compare yourself to anyone but yourself.

Wow! Powerful words, aren't they?

We're always told don't compare yourself to someone else because you'll always be disappointed. That's true if you're comparing careers, achievements, children's achievements, homes, cars, or whatever. There will aways be someone who has bigger, better, shinier whatever than you.

But we all play the comparison game from time to time, don't we? That's an evil game you can never win.

But, wait. Comparing yourself to yourself is a game you can win. It's a comparison you can easily make and come out ahead. Comparing who you are to the you of a week, month, or year ago probably gives you a win because most of us strive to do better—be better.

Takeaway Truth

So go ahead. Compare yourself to yourself. In fact, make it an affirmation to chant. "I compare myself only to myself." That's something that will empower you.

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