Want to succeed in writing or in anything else to which you aspire? You'd do well to adopt these 2 philosphies.
Fight Discouragement
When you feel discouraged, tell yourself that every career is a venture in which you must build to success. In writing, as an author, you build your skills, your confidence, your inventory, your backlist, and your fan base.
I'm a big believer in the power of a strong, positive statement. Make a sign that says: I am in this for the long haul because writing -- or insert the name of your dream -- is a career in which I must build to success.
Fight Pessimism
It's never too late to succeed. In fact, as long as you draw breath and are motivated, it's never too late for just about anything.
I have a framed picture that I bought at Ross's several years ago. It says: "It's never too late to live happily ever after." I adopted that as my motto, and it has become the premise of all my books.
Until you draw your last breath, it's never too late. So as long as you wake up tomorrow, you have another chance to make all your dreams come true.
Make a sign that says: It's never too late to succeed. Or, It's never too late to make my dream come true. Or, whatever speaks to you.
Post your signs where you'll see them every day. Even better, make your desktop wallpaper your sign so you see it every time you sit at the computer.
Takeaway Truth
I urge you to adopt these philosophies. Internalize them until it's second nature to think the strong positive statements each time you feel you're not making enough progress.
Fight Discouragement
When you feel discouraged, tell yourself that every career is a venture in which you must build to success. In writing, as an author, you build your skills, your confidence, your inventory, your backlist, and your fan base.
I'm a big believer in the power of a strong, positive statement. Make a sign that says: I am in this for the long haul because writing -- or insert the name of your dream -- is a career in which I must build to success.
Fight Pessimism
It's never too late to succeed. In fact, as long as you draw breath and are motivated, it's never too late for just about anything.
I have a framed picture that I bought at Ross's several years ago. It says: "It's never too late to live happily ever after." I adopted that as my motto, and it has become the premise of all my books.

Make a sign that says: It's never too late to succeed. Or, It's never too late to make my dream come true. Or, whatever speaks to you.
Post your signs where you'll see them every day. Even better, make your desktop wallpaper your sign so you see it every time you sit at the computer.
Takeaway Truth
I urge you to adopt these philosophies. Internalize them until it's second nature to think the strong positive statements each time you feel you're not making enough progress.
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