Once I started a book, I simply couldn't bear to close it until those 2 magic words--The End--appeared.
Ebooks Perfect for Binge Readers
Today's ebook world is a wonderland for readers like me. They're plentiful. They're inexpensive. Some are even free.
With my trusty Kindle
Are you a binge reader too? If you don't know, here's a questionnaire I devised to help you discover whether you too suffer from this wonderful disorder.
Binge Reader Questionnaire
1. Are you unable to place a bookmark and close a book once you've started reading?
2. When you finish a book, do you immediately start reading another one?
3. In the rare event that you have no other books to read, do you find yourself in an online bookstore and don't know how you got there?
4. Would you rather read than watch TV?
5. Do you sneak a read when you're supposed to be doing something else like laundry, a spreadsheet that's due, or your writing quota for the day?

7. Do you have stacks of books to read and a full ereader device, but you can't resist buying another book?
8. Have you ever said: I can quit any time I want?
If you answered yes to at least half of these questions, you may be a binge reader.
If you answered yes to all of them, you're my kind of reader. Be sure and sign up for my mailing list / free newsletter so you'll be the first to know when I have a new book out.
Final Analysis
You probably have a cluttered home, piles of work awaiting you at the office, and a tee shirt that reads: So many books. So little time!

Your kids are probably readers too, and that's helped them develop critical thinking skills.
Takeaway Truth
If reading makes you happy, chances are your family is happy too. Read on!
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