This prestigious contest sponsored by Houston Bay Area Romance Writers of America Chapter 30 celebrates the best in book cover art. The contest closes January 15. If you haven't entered yet, read on. This is a contest you don't want to miss because it is open to self-published books as well as traditionally published books.
Books published during the calendar year 2013 by traditional publishing houses, ePublishers, Print-on-Demand publishers, or self-published.
Booksellers from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. All decisions of the judges are final.
- Single title/Mainstream
- Contemporary Series
- Historical
- Inspirational
- Romantic Suspense
- Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal
- Sexiest cover
- Young Adult
Midnight, January 15, 2014. (This means you must have uploaded your cover via the entry process by that time.)
Entry Fee
$15.00 USD. Fees are payable via PayPal or by check as directed during the entry process. (Credit cards will not be directly accepted by Houston Bay Area. You may use credit cards with PayPal, however.) One (1) entry fee per cover. You may enter as often as you like, but remember 1 fee per cover.
Entry Content
- Front covers only which will be submitted electronically.
- Cover art should be in JPG, GIF, or PNG format. No PDF files.
- You may enter as many different covers as you wish, but each cover entered requires 1 entry fee.
- Each cover may be entered in only one category.
- If you know the actual artist's name, you can submit it with your entry. If you don't know the artist's name, you can simply leave that field blank.
Each winner in each category will be asked to submit a high-resolution image file for inclusion in the RWR ad which is the prize for winning.
Grand Prize
A full-page color ad in the April Romance Writers Report featuring the winners in all six categories.
To Enter JABBIC, just visit the Entry Page and follow the instructions.The entry process is easy, and the instructions on the page are clear.
Takeaway Truth
This contest has been around for many years and is respected in the publishing industry. The entry fee is small, and the honor of winning is large. Enter today.
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