Good News/Bad News
Book trailer videos are a lot of fun to create, but they are very time consuming. If you're a busy author, or you're design or tech challenged, then you'll want to meet my guest today.
Video Producer Gary Chase.
Gary Chase is one impressive man. He spent 30 years as a broadcast engineer, both in production and systems design engineering with another 5 years in systems sales and consulting.
Throw in 2 years in consumer electronics as program manager and lead engineer that developed the technology that allowed closed captions to be placed inside commercial television sets. (Yes, he's one of the guys responsible for Closed Caption.)
When he was with NASA, he helped plan the video requirements for 15 manned space shuttle flights. This also included the last flight of Challenger.
Wow! This guy knows video and gadgets and more tech stuff than I can even wrap my mind around.
The Dark Side
I'll just give a hint or two that he also spent 20 years in the intelligence community -- that's what he himself calls The Dark Side. Yep, that was video related too. He could probably tell me what he did, but then he might have to shoot me.
Gary sounds like material for a thriller novel, doesn't he? I'd love to tell you more about his fascinating past, but I'm really supposed to be telling you that he's a Video Gun for hire. Gary is officially hanging out his shingle as a Freelance Video Producer, creating book trailers for authors.
Since his wife Elaine Raco Chase is an author, I know how he got sweet-talked into trying his hand at creating book videos. It's like the oft-quoted wisdom from Moliere: "First you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, then you do it for money." Or words to that effect. Of course, we know what Moliere was talking about -- wink, wink -- and it wasn't producing videos, but you see where I'm going with this.
Sample His Work
If you'd like to see Gary's work, here are some links to recent videos:
Trana Simmon’s Ghost Hunting
Eleanor’s Bakers Dozen by Eleanor Cawood Jones
Heat Wave for Elaine Raco Chase
Personally, my favorite of his book trailers is this one: Elaine Raco Chase in New York
Contact Gary Chase by email: TheChaseGroup at msn dot com
Since he's just starting in the book trailer business, he's open to new clients. Best of all, his rates are low right now.
Here's the scoop on his scope of work:
1. Book Trailer running 30 seconds to 60 seconds with all materials furnished: flat fee of $25.00
2. Hourly rate: $10.00
This is how the above works.
All materials furnished means: book cover graphic, author photograph if desired, short snappy taglines, and where to purchase the books.
If he has to go in and capture review comments, edit them down to fit the restraints of the program, that takes time.
After the first one hour of production, the time clock kicks in at the rate of $10.00 an hour.
He told me that the longest it's taken him to generate a book trailer is about five hours.
He uses standard software that has royalty free music available and design templates. He also uses a specialty software where everything can be customized. If you're interested in that, then ask for a custom quote.
Contact Gary Chase by email: TheChaseGroup at msn dot com.
Takeaway Truth
Get in touch with Gary, and you too can see a "movie style" presentation of your book, website, blog, or business.
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