Gee, I'm a member of the Northwest Houston RWA Chapter, and I nearly forgot to post this reminder they sent out about their annual writing contest. The LONE STAR WRITING COMPETITON is the real deal. The final judge is an editor, and winners and finalists have gone on to publication.
June 4 is the deadline for the 15th annual LONE STAR WRITING COMPETITON.
Here's their reminder.
Foreign entries may enter electronically & pay with PayPal.
Preliminaries judged by two published and one unpublished judge.
Finalists judged by an editor and an agent.
Competition is open to published and unpublished.
Unpublished authors may enter any category.
Published authors my enter any genre in which they've never published or have not published in the past five years.
All authors may enter no more than once per category, but may enter more than one category.
Submisssions must be postmarked by June 4, 2007.
Entries postmarked after the deadline will be returned unopened.
For more info, email jrcarver1 @verizon.net.
For testimonials, rules, and entry form visit Northwest Houston RWA.
$30 for non-NWHRWA members, $20 for members.
So there you have it. You've got about 13 days to get your entry postmarked and mailed. Good luck!